1978 Minutes ~I ~I "I'J, , j . ---r:;', January It, 1978 135 the regular.meeting of the Councii of the Town of Yelm,was cat led to order by Mayor Coates at 7:30 PM with the following Councilmen present: Lawt n, KlIer, Sanders and Drogseth&, Visi~ors present were, Mr.& Mr~o Ross Shippentowe k ~enator Ted Bottiger, Ken IvIadsen, Karl Madsen, Bernice Beck, Phyllis Huff, .Nancy S : der, John Thomas~ Fred Van Camp, Ed Stevens, Carol Purdy, Rex Purdyc' 'Lynn Wood, Don iller, Kay Giff~ord, Esther Raab, Marlin Stillings, Ted Schultz and Don Barnard. A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders to .app December 14 and 21 meetings~ Motion carried. the minutes of the A motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Sanders to a~~owiroheh$Qwl:owtng vouchers for payment: Current Water Ci ty Street. Garbage Title 2 Anti-Rec.Fund 'vou # 4103 - 4157 , 1058 - 1064 734 - 744 542 44 $7,663.56 1,405.90 3,093.26 1,271085 3240$9 A motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Kyler authorizin I the M~or and Clerk to,sign'an agreement modif,ying and amending the rates for co lection and disposal of ~astematerials between the Town of Yelm and Harold LeMay Enterprises, Inc.e Moti'on carried. A motion was made by Drogseth authorizing the Mayor and Cler I to sign an agreement modifying and amending "1917, Agreement by and between the To I of Ye1m and AutC?moti ve and Special Services Union Local No.. 461" was duly seconded Iy Sanc!ersand passed by a unanimous vote of the Council. . Lynn Wood, 4th Grade teacher, asked permission of the Counei for his class to place a bench in front o~ the City Hall. After some discussion, t Ie Council concurred and stated they would be very h~ppy toaccept the gift in the nam I of the Town. Marshall Purdy was instructed to discontinue th~ extension p !one in his home and also t~e Watts line to Pierce County to cut the 'phone bill t the amount budgeted. A petition for annexation was presented by Marlin Stillings Ind Dorothy Bradford. After some ~iscussion, a motion was m~de by Drogseth and sec Inded by Sanders to set February 8" 1918 at 9:00 PM as the ~ate ~nd time for a publi I hearing on the said petition. for annexation. Motion carried. , I., A 'motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton !nstruc,ing the a.ttorney to prepare an Ordinance to .annex por~ions of the Rhoton Aoad. otion carriede " ,.~ I ..' The Library Repor~ by ~ancy Snyd~r indicated 534 patrons use the library facilities in December. Class visits to the library, vacatiOn, story ho' , films, and monthcly senior c~nter service were som~. of the ac~ivities during the lmonth. Current members of the 1:1.brary board are Kay G:1.fford, cha1rperson; Esther Ra b, vice-chairperson; Phyllis Huff, secretary; Bet~y Kinnaman and Bernice Beck. I . . A ~etterfrom Don ~d Janet !~cCloudrequesting a variance fo, a mobile home presently on their property and owned by Mr.& Mrso Ross Shippentower. After some discussion the Council. refused the variance~ A motion was made by Drog eth and secondeQ.by , Lawton ~o extend the conditional use permit till August 1, 1 i78. Motion carri~. Ron Lawton made a motion, seconded by Kyler to adjourn the meting at 10:15 PM. I Coa te s, Mayor , Attest: o~- ~~. ill: . '/"L: - ~ c--_ . R$ger Eide, Clerk-Treasurer 136 February 8, 1978 The monthy meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order at 7:30 PM py Mayor Lora B. Coates with the following Councilmen present: Brown, 'Kyler, and Drogseth. Visitors present were: Roberta Longmire', Don 'Miller, Jim Brown, Carol & Rex Purdy, Dan Wheat, Orval and Toni French, Mike Edwards, Mike Paddock, Ra~ph Provencal, David Miller, Pat Miller, Larr,y Benson, Ted Schultzo A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Kyler to adopt the minutes of the January meeting" Motion carried~ A motion was made Current '~'la.ter Garbage Street by Drogseth and seconded by Kyler to allow the following vouchers: Vou # 4158 - 4212' $8,254.63 1066 1074 1,861.60 543 1,440.06 746 759 3,044.03 ,0 Motion carried" A motion to lease a raqar for the Police Depantment was made by Brown and seconded by Kyler and passed by the Council. Marshal Purdy distributed specifications for a new police care to the Council. 'After some discussion, a motion was made by Brown and seconded by Drogseth tocadvertise for bids. Motion carried. Brown made a motion, seconded by Kyler to purchase doors for the rear of the fire hall. Motion c arriede . Nancy Snyder reported a new circulation record for the library with 652 patrons signing out 2881 items. Ms Snyder also reported visits from .Headstart, Pre-school, and seventh grade classes, as well as the-Developmental Disabilities groupo She also showed films at the Senior Center and reported on other activities~ The Council took under advisement, a nproposal to the Town of Yelm for 1978 Fire Inspect....:rt.-'.. '. -ion Services", presented to the' Council by Orval French of the Thurston Co., Fire Pro- , tection District # 2 and Mike Paddock of the Lacey Fire District #' 3. ~~ Mike Edwards discussed a site plan for a commercial and residential development west of Yelm and inquired about water service., The Council suggested he consult the Engineers for the best route and cost estimates. . , A letter from Ralph Provencal was read requesting the 'Town, as the adjacent property owner, 'give permission to the Yelm Telephone Co. for the installation of a septic leach line centered 2' from and parallel to the common property line. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Kyler to allow the requestoMotion carr~ed. A public hearing on the Petition for Annexation presented by Marlin and Phyllis Stillings and Dorothy Bradford was called, and Mayor Coates asked for opinions from the audience. iobertaLongmire stated she objected tothe zoning and asked that it be changed from R-2 to R-l. David Miller, with power of attorney for Stillings, stated that the intent was to construct single family residences and they would have no ogjections to the change. A motion was made by Brown to adopt Ordinance #'217 "AN ORDINANCE providing for the annexation of certain contiguous proper'ty to the Town of Yelm, Washington. tI Motion carried. A motion to adopt Brdinance # 218 ItANOODINANCE providing for the annexation of certain contiguous property to the ffown of Yelm for municipal purposes, n was made by Drogseth and seconded by Brown and passed. After discussion an Intergovernmental Agreement for Communications contract,a motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Brown to author.rze the }1ayor to sign the contract with the Thurston County Depa~tment of Communication., Motion carriedo o A letter from Kruger Engineering requesting a meeting of the Town Council on February 22, 1978 was reado A motion was made oy Oddie Kyler and seconded by Drogseth, to adjourn the meeting until February 22, 1978 at 1:30 PM~ Motion carried. 137 February 22,1978 The adjourned meeting was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7:3 PM withtthe following Councilmen present: BroWn, Dorgseth, Kyler and Sanders. Visito s present were:' Pat Byrne, Ron Taber, Bob POTsch, Marlin Stillings" Dale and Penny Ribhardson, Dave. Miller, Pat Miller, Ted Schultz,. Don Miller and Mr. & Mrs. We~ley GOSSe A motion was made by Kyler and seconded by Sanders to allow the ollowing vouchers: General Vou # 4123 - 4125 . $116.18 City Street 760 11.50 .1...... i .. l10tion carried. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Kyler to rescind the action taken at the Februa~ 8,1978 meeting, adopting Ordinance # 217 "AN ORDINANCE pI oviding for the annexation of certain contiguous property to. the Town of Yelm" W khington,tt and was passed by'a unanimous vote o! the Council. , I Kruger Engineering furnished pertinent information to be taken inl 0 consideratione Mayor Coates ,reviewed an Environmental Check List presented by D e Miller and after advise from the Council, recommended that a negative declaration e prepared and in- structed the Clerk to circulate the d~claration to all interestedl agencies. ' ~~_ Ron Taber discussed water and street problems in<his housing evelopment with the . Council. 0 A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Kyler thatlthe Town require Mr. '"Tabor to deposit $1,000.00 wit the Town to be.helq in trust for m intenance and inspection fee for one year 'fter the street is accepted, with inspection fe not to 'exceed $100.00. Motion earried. , I A motion. was made by Brown to require Mr. Tabor to connect the wa er lines on Solberg and.Longmire with a six inch main in the alley between HcKenzie aid Mosman with Mre Tabor to enter ~nto a latecomers agreement with the tOwn to recover 50% of the cost. The cost will be subject to review by th~ Town EngineerG The motion was a.canded by Kyler and passed by a unanimous vote of the Gouncil. I M~. & Mrs. Dale Richardson appeared before the Council and made a claim that the 1e1m High,School Water Line ~tension enc~oaches on their propertYe A ter discussion, it was decided to refer the matter to the Attorney and City Engineer forlfrirther study. A motion by Sanders and seconded by Brown authorizing a study by he Engineer to determine water hookup fees an.g just!fi cation policy was passed by the Coun! il~ The study cost not to ex~eed $S~O.oo. dotion carried.. ." I. . I A mot10n by Brown and seconded by Sanders'set the front footage f e for a water hookup requested by Stanley Fisk at $600.00, plus the regular meter fee. I M~tion carried; Frank J. Weller was refused pernrl.ssion to take pictures from the ater tower on a motion by Sanders and seconded by Kyler~ Motion carried. Mayor Coates read a letter froIl\ the lelm School District requesti g a change'in the ~~hool Speed Zone sign8 A motion was made by panders and seconde by Kyler tabling the re~est pending an investigation by Attorney Schultz. Motion cariied. There being no further business the meeting was agjourned on.a mo ion by Kyler and seconded by Drogseth0 At test:: I .~e~ Roger~ide, Clerk-Treasurer c' - 138 March 8, 1978 The meeting of the Cpancil of the Town of Yelm ~as called to order by Mayor Coates at 7:30 PM with the following Cbuncilmen present, Brown, Sanders, Kyler, Lawton and I)rog- . seth3 Visitors 'present were: Marvin ~agner, Dale and Penny Ric~ardson, Ted Anderson, George Tyler, Ed Stevens, Rex and Carol PUrdy,- Gene Kerlee and Ted Schultze Minutes of the Februar,y 8 & 22 meetings were approved on a motion by Brown and seconded by Sanders. Motion carried~ A motion to allow the following vouchers was made by Drogseth and sec~nded by Sanders: .0.. General 4216 - 4277 $12,276.52 . Water 1075 1089 3,526.'24 Garbage 544 - 546 1,516.43 City Streets 768 - 778 5,442.41 Title 2 47 - 313.88 Motion carried. . Only one bid for a new Police car was received. After reviewing the bid>> a motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Kyler to accept the bid from Capitol Chevreolet for a 1978 Nova to be leased for $222.35 per month for 36 months. Motion carried. Gene Kerlee submitted a bid of $17.50 for cleaning the fire hall and Police station windows one time per.montha A motion was zp.ade by Brown and seconded by Kyler to accept the bie. Motion carried with Drogseth voting"no"e Front footage fees on the Yelm High School water line were discussed by the Attorney aQd Engineer. They explained the concept of fees being charged on an area basise A motiQn was made by Lawton to aceept the coneept and Contract price of $4.70 per front. foot as presented by the Attorney and Engineer. The motion was duly se'conded by Sanders and passed by a unanimous voteiof the Gouncilo ' A preliminary platt and environmental check list fer uView Royale" platt was presented by Fred Anderson of: Tyler, Anderson, and Thompson Engineers", After review by the 0'. ',',. Mayo~ and advise.from the Council, Mayor Coates recommeded that a negative declaratiqn be prepared and instructed the Clerk to circulate the declaration to all interested agencies\) A motion was made by Drogseth to accept a tr~lotice Qof Intent to Commence Annexation Proceedings" presented by Patricia and Jerry Sprague, that the mayor make a non- significant environmental declaration and that the 'petition for annexation being circulated by the pnoponentsshall provide that the area to be annexed be subject to the existing indebtedness of the Town~and be zoned.Commercial. The motion was seconded by Sanders and passed by a unanWmous'vote of the Council. Amotion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders granting Yelm Telephone Co. permission to install an underground duct on Ye1m Ave&, from 3rd Street to the Town limits, provided the Ye1m Telephone Co. present plans for the ~onstruction and paye- ment repair to ,the Town Engineerc for review and enter into aNJ.ItHold Harmless" agreement with the Town during construction and from any l~ability from the pavement repair. . Motion carried& The Libra~ Rep~rt indicated 573 patrons checking out material from the Library& V{sits from Senior Citizens group, Developmentally Disabled and. Kindergarten classes were 'also reported during the montho There being no further busi~es~, Drogseth and secpnded by Kyler. at 10:00 PM on a motion by o Attest: ~~~~~ C/' ' Roger Eide, Clerk-Treasurer :1 I I Aprii 12, 1978 139 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was call ed to order by Mayor Coates at 7:30 PM with the following Councilmen present: Kyler, Lawton, Brown, Sanders, and Drogseth. Visitors included Kenn~th, Wanda, Shari and Pa ' Loney, Robert, Noma" Mason, and Gene Wilson, Fred Anderson, George French, Chaunce Lufkin; Nancy Snyder, Barbara Wells, Hal Wolf, Don Miller, Dave Miller, Ted Schultz, and Pat Byrne~ A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Sanders to March meeting. Motion carried. A motion to pay the following voucher~: Current Vou # '4279 - 4337 $13,952.. Water, 1090 - 1105 3,875. I City street ~ 779 - 787 1,396. ,p Garbage . 547 1,485. :'(3 48 345. I Title 2 was made by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth and passed by a LdimoUS vote of the C~uncil. I . Mayor Coates read the minutes and recommenda"tion of the plann"ng commission in reference to the preliminary platt of QUeensview. A motion was made by Sanders that the Council accept the recommendation to approve the plan subj'ec~ to the c ! ditions c~ntained in the Town En~ineer~ letter of April 4, 1978, that the Thursto~ ~ou y platting ord~nance allowing 2 years to complete the pla~ be observed. The'motio was duly seconded by. Kyler and passed unanimously ~.. Mayor Coates read the minutes and recommendation of the Ye1m lanning Commission with reference to the preliminaryplat~of View R~yale8 \Mr. Anders n, of Taylor, Anderson, & 'Thompson, explained that street lighting required, 8 lights !'th a cost to the City of ,$2.20 per month eache It was also explained that if the, T lwnj would require a looping capa'city gre."ater than a 6n water main, the Town would pay the additional cost. It was also'~nptedl1:"J!&" b~n;J\fr,1,:rAnderson, that septic plan "BU iould be deleted from the final plan. A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Dro Iseth, to accept the plat of View RQyale subject to the conditions contained in the Tow I Engineer fS letter of April 4th, 1978, that the Thurston County platting Ordinanee0 ilowing for 2 years to complete the plat be observed. Motion carried. . ... I . A motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Kyler instructing fhe Engineer to prepare descriptions .for easements over lots 33 and 48 of Kingsview, . vision 3, and 49 & 64 of Kingsview, Division 4, and instructing the Attorney to prepar the easements for execution. Motion carried. Residents of West End Addition presented a petition for impro ement to their streets. After discussion, the,Mayor instructed Councilmen Brown and D ~gseth to investigate and make recommendations to the Council. A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Kyler to adoptf:iinance # 219, "Al'l ORDINANCE relating to the Planning Commission of the Town of elm and amending the Town of Yelm Ordinance # 119, as amended by Town of Yelm Ordi~ ance, # 211, and. Section 2.36.010 of the Yelm Municipal Code.." Motion carried~ The Attorney presented a correction to The Petition for Anne ion presented by Madin Qand Phyllis Stillings. and other proponents of the originallp ition$ A motion was made by Kyler and seconded by Lawton that the correction did lot significantly alter the scope and nature of the proposed annexation and the Corre ion to Petition- for Annexation be acceptedo Motion carried.. Library repp,rt indicated 618 patrons signing out (alse Special programs were available ror Pre-School Classes, and Developmental Disa 'lities groupse Film night was presented and films were also presented to Senior C" fizens Groups. A motion was made by Lawton to adjourn t e meeting at 10:30 PM~ df'Z. I 'd? Lara Be Coates, Ma I r' - The Council. instructed the Attorney to prepare a Resoulution on the Yelm High School water 1ineo I Attest:~ ~~ ~oger Eide, Clerk-Treasurer "the hookup.fees .140 11ay..::1Q~, 1.27 8~;.!~.": The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order at 7 :30 PM by Nayor Coates with the follovling Councilmen present: Browq, Kyler, Sanders and" Drogsethe Visitors present were: Ted Seagrove, Clarence Gibby, Kathy & Terry Albertson, Carol & Rex Purdy, Nancy Snyder, Pat Byrne. and Ted" Schultze A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders to approve the minutes of the April 12, 1978 meetingo Motion carriedQ A motion was made Current Water City Street Garbage Title 2 by Sanders to allow the 4366 .... 4398 1106 .. 1116 788 - 795 548 - 549 49 following vouchers: $8,012.29 2,209..21 1,2840191 1,507031 376.66 o The motion was duly seconded by Drogseth and 'passed. Mro Clarence Gibby applied for water service to his property on the Clark" Road., Pat Byrne explained that the cost of water service to his property, based and com- puted on. the zone and termini method,was $1,246.140 A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Sanders to allow Mr. Gibby to nook up to the substandard main _ a portion of the S.W. quarter of the SoEo quarter of Section 19, and of the N.W. quarter of the N l!>W. quarter of the N.E. quarter of Section )0, 'Township 17 N e, Range 2 E. W M, des.... cribed as follows: Beginning at the quarter section corner common to Sections 19 and 30, said township and range; thence South 220 feet; ~hence East 142.5 feet; thence North 129 feet;: thence West 77$8 feet; thence North 101 feet; thence West 64.7 feeti thence South 10 feet to the true point of beginni::ng. EXcept portion conveyed to Thurston. County for road purpqseos by deed recorded under Auditors File #420342 eo The motion further stated that Mr. Gibby would not be charged for future main extentions and that he be required to pay the meter fee in add~tion to the $1,246.14. Motion carried. A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded. by Sanders to adopt Resolution # 139 in 0-' ':', reference to the front footage fees and service area of the "New Yelm High School Water Linen and authorizing the Engineer to reduce a map to be recorded in the office of the County Auditor. Motion carried. \ A motion was made by Brown giving the Eng~eer authority to authorize construction on rOads, street lighting, sighing, drainage, and water 5,Ystem subject to his approval of plans, specifications, engineering inspection and contractor qualifications. The motion was seconded and passed by a unanimous vote. A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth to adopt Ordinance # 217 "AN ORDINANCE proViding for the annexation.of certain contiguous property to the Town of Yelin, Washingtonlf. Hotion carried. Attorney Schultz recommended that the Mayor sign a Lease with Option to Purchase agree- ment with Decatur Electronics, Inc. for the le~se of a radar unit after deleting the sentence .from section 4, lJor to mortgage or suffer no claims or encumbr,ances or liens to be made thereon" and the sentence in article 5, "within the first 90 days of the 1ease"'e street lighting for Queens~ew'~s presented by Puget Power. was approved by the' Council. A motion Was made by Sanders ~nd seconded by Drogseth to authorize Signs by Lindy to proceed with~ the new Park sigh as recommended by the Park Boardo Motion carried. Mr. Seagrove of the Thurston County Department of Fublic Works requested the Council -0'_.' consider adopting the Coun~yls grid numbering system0 Th~ Council decided to continue with the present Town House Numbering System as it reflects public sentiment. and has alreadr been adopted by Ordinance. (' The Council authorized Pat Byrne to answer a request fori water service by Good-Ward Gorp. to 127 acres north of the Centralia Power Canal. The Library Report was read by Nancy' Snyder. . There being no fUr~per business, the Council adjourned at 10:55 PM on a motion by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth.. Attest: /~C~ Roger Ei e, Clerk-Treasurer ~ r . 4~" (PA~0[~.h . Lark Bl. Goates, Mayor :142 June 14, 1978 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7:30 Pm with the following Councilmen present: Lawton, Brown, Sanders and Drogsethe Visitors' present were: Ken Danberg, GaryJ'Allon (Wood Fab), Peter Swensson (T.C~Regional Planning Council), Mary and Keith Gordon, R.A. Trimble, Rbil Tracy and Anzo Grozzini of . Puget Sound Land & Development Coe, E. Beatrice Brown, David W. Brown of United Way of Thurston Coo, Carol & Rex Purdy, Robert Porsch of Krueger Engineering, and Don Miller. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Sanders to approve the minutes of the May 10, 1978 meeting., Motion carried. O',~. /, , A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth to allow the following vouchers:' Current: , Vou # 4404 - 4467 $13,824.22 Water " 11 1117 ..,. 1131 3) 956,,58 Garbage If It 550 - 552 1,568820 City Streets" .. 796 .... 804 1,613082 Title 2 'ff If 50 398.64 Evelyn Southworth presented 2 trophies, won by a little league team, coached by Har~ Southworth to the City for display. Motion by Sanders, seconded by Brown to accept the trophies was carried. Mayor Coates expressed her thanks on behalf of the fown. Dave Brown of United Way of Thurston County presented a plaque to the Town of Yelm for outstanding service. Mayor Coates thanked him and added. that it was a pleasure to help o~t in a worthy course. Mayor Coates advised the Council of the receipt of a Certificate of Appreciation awarded the Tbwn from Brownie Troop # 528. Rex Purdy requested the Council hire a fill-in officer to take t~e place of officers on vacationo After some discussion, a motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Sanders that the Council authorize the hiring of a relief officer to serve during vacation periods of C.J.Cowell and Bob Jansen @ $4.00 per hr..Motion carried. ( Pat Pyrne gave a brief recap of report given formally at previous meetingo D~:" He recommended no motions be made on report of 6-14-78 until further st,ud~ is made. He . suggested a group consisting of several Council members (George Brown and Arnold Drogseth volunteered), several citizens, (Marlin Stillings volunteered) a representative from the City Clerk's office (Roger Eide or Ann Zembas) and Attorney Ted Schultz should study the reporto Attorney Stiltz pointed out that a supplementary ordinance would be regUi:red. Pete Swensson, from Regional Planning made the following suggestions on the 1e1m Water System: 1) Additional consideration given whether water ext.ensions would cause financial impact on assessments of land the water systems pass through or have boundaries on. 2) Have Council determine economical feasabi1ity of water service'in areas of less that 1 family per ~ acres density. ' 3) Determine growth patterns of proposed service areas.. 4) Determine if proposed service areas (i.ee, residential,agricultural) need large or minimal water supply. Mr. Swensson further added that the county had applied for a grant concerning land use plans, sewage systems, and water systems throughout the county, and if awarded, Yelm would receive a portion of the grant if deemed necessary. City Attorney Stiltz questioned the economical feasibility of extending water mains outside the corporate limits after weighing cost involvec with each extension.. Pat Byrne indicated it would improve 1e1m's water utility. percol;, Incorporating a sewer system was discussed briefly~Byrne advised the Council'that the soil ~l was adequate for a semi-dense population. It was suggested the Council obtain majority) 0'.--.." approval that the 6ity wants to supply water outside corporate limits) by for.ming a ci tizen' s advisory board which would cqmpile a report listing regulati:ons of the boundary review board and the expense to the Town for water system extension. Decision was postponed pending further advise from Attorney Ted Schul tZ'G Library Report was read by Mayor Coates as prepared by Nancy Snyder, librariano enil Tracy sought approval of Kingsview . tt 2 plat so that P.3 .Land & Developmmt Co.. could sell lots&, Byrne indicated that at a previous Council meeting, the decision was that the preliminary plat was not acceptable because of the noise leve~ and that a buffer would have to be erected to reduce the noise.. Gary Allon of Wood Fab. cited from a sound engineer repor1 that plat 2 had a decibel level of 60-72. Chil Tracey indicated that Wood Fab shollilld provide the buffer since the noise originated from them.. Kip stiltz and Eat Byrne concluded that Puget Sound Land & Development Co. should resubmit the'preliminary plat with a sound engineer , study of the noise factor and submit suggestions for correction of the problem. I"'C" ( :. "'-!.' . I I 143 Animal Control was discussed and while the need for an animal rontrol officer Was, recognized, no action was takenct It.,;was suggested the City Ma ntenance erew be in charge of animal c~ntrol~ Mayor voates resolved to take up the matter with Don Barnard and possibly budg~t more funds ~or thas purpose in 1979. Keith and Mary Gordon and H.A.Trimble requested the following ituation be con- sidered next on the agenda. Mr.Trimble stated that an additiol built by Harry , Otto years ago, overlapped Mr.. l'rimble fS property by approximal ely 4 feete Kefuth and Mary Gordon requested a ,variance to correct' the situation. Motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders that the Coun~il grant a lot ize and frontage variance to Keith Gordon subject to his compliance with boundajy adjustment pro- visions ~frshbnt plat law, and further that the .applicant pro ~de the City with a copy of the survey showing amended boundaries and legal deseril tions.Motion c arriede Following discussion, Mayor Coates agreed to call a ?-lan."ling C~mrnission m~eting to discuss the Stillings plato The Planning Commission to meet 2p days after the legal notice is published: Mayor Coates signed the proposed declar ~ion of nonsignificance and requested that the declaration be retyped as final after r days. ' There was a dtscussion on land Mre Casavant is donating to th City for drilling of future water supply.' Kip stiLtz recommended the City secure 'more legal and binding letter from John Casavant giving legal description and his in ant ~o donate and reserve the land for the CitY0 Sanders made' a motion and Dro Iseth seconded that the Council approve ,the preliminary plat of Green Acres, dive 2 & B, request for connection to and extension of the town water system to' serve the plat, bbdect to compliance with the town's request for permission to drill a well in the ~pproximate location . shown on the preliminary plat and to dedicate that area (and 100 ft. radius with access in the form ofl easements over all property under which the water system, in- cluding lines, wilL be located) for a well site for the town, subject further to' review and approval of plans and spec~fications by the Town .\ gineer arid the DSHS. Approval for connection not to be construed as a permit to corlstru.ct said water system to serve said plat$ ,Such approval to construct to be ~anted after review and approval of plans & specifications as referred to herein and ~ch approval to construct to be 'granted in writing by a separate document issued by the Town Engineer.\~Motion carried. ' A motion was made by Lawton and seconded by 'Drogseth to adopt Ordinance # 220 , An , qrdinance relatingto,e. traffic and limiting speed upon certain streets wi thin the corp.... orate limits of the Town of Ye1m, and amending section 3 ;(b) f Town of Ye1m Ordinance No. 181 and Section lO.16.01OB of the Ye1m Municipal Code." M ition carri?d. Mayor Coates discussed statement from Robert Jansen for $100. 0 presented to the City for a scanner used by the Yelm I1arshal's Office. Hotion ras made by Sanders and ~econded by Drogseth that the City refrain from purchasing th ,scanner. Motion carried. Sanders made a motion and Lawton seconded approval of recomme led Street Program as ' submitted by George Brown and Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried ?at Byrne reported that the Town had received the final impac statement from the Planning Commission concerning Killion Court &:t.;6t. :1~ Pat Byrne read the letter prepared by his office recommending the Town of Ye1m be offered blanket approval by the Boundary Review Board for wat r lines going outside of corporate limits. He received and read responses to lette I from Thurston County Planning Commission and DSHSo ' There being no further business; the meeting was adjourned at lO:35PM on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton. Attest: ff~~~. Clerk~easurer .. 144 July 12, 1978 The regular ~eeting of the Council of the Town of Ye1m was called to order by Mayor Lora B1 Coates at 7:)0 PM with the following Councilmen present: Brown, Lawton,Sanders and Drogseth" Vi$~t9rs present were Susan Evelyn Yaden, Flpy Bradl~y, Ruth Joy.Coates) Don & Shirley Delk, Shirley~rne, Clifton Bryant, Mae Cochrane, Phyllis Huff, William Isom, ijarry Lewis,-Marlin Stillings, Les Whisler, Fred VanCamp, Don Miller, Jim Brown, .Pat Byrne, and Ted .,Schultz. Amotion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Brown to approve the minutes of the June 14 meeting& . Motion carried. , Motion was made for payment: Current Water Garbage ~ City Street Title 2 by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth to approve the following vouchers o Vou # 4468 1132 553 805 51 ",. 4525 - 1136 "'" 558 816 . '$8,838,,41 453."37 1,965.94 3,0.80.57 159.28 Motion carried.. The Yelm Planning Commission recommended that the Council approve the Preliminary Plat of Stillings Addit~on subject to certain conditionse A motion was made by Brmin and seconded by Sanders to approve the plat with the following conditions: 1. The cul de sac pavement width to be 45 foot in radius with an additional five foot shoulder and a right of way of at least 60 foot radius. 2. Lot size to be subject to the Health Department approval as per method 2 analysis in accordance with the WAC. Motion carri ed . Jim Brown from Thurston County Fire District # 2 stated he felt the Town and Fire should have an agreement to reimburse the firemen for inspections of commercial buildings and, that the Town should furnish the proper forms and legal advise. The Council will consider his proposale The planning Commission recommended that the Council instruct the attorney to pre- pare an ordinance setting the speed limit at 20 miles .p~r pour in the Stillings Addition. " A motion by Drogseth~to adopt Ordinance # 221, "AN ORDINANCE amending Town ot Ye1m Ordinance NOa 216 and the Town of Yelm Budget for the calendar year 1978 adopted hereby, rr was duly '.seconded. by Sanders and passed by a unanimous vote of the Council. The Library report was'read by Mayor Coatese o ~ A letter was read from Mr. Clark, attorney for Dale Richardson, concerning the city water line on their property and referred to the Town attorney for actiono " The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM on a'motion by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders. ~'JU~/ Lora B. Coates, Mayor Attest: ~C::!~ ~e~'H de, Clerk-Treasurer o 145 'August 9, 1978 'The regular meeting of the Council of the q.'own of Ye1m was c al ed to order by~1ayor 'Lora B. Coates at 7.:30 PM with the following Councilmen presenl: Brown, Progseth and Lawton. Visitors were:; Pat & Shirley Byrne, Bob Porsch, D ve Miller and Ted Schultz. I A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Brown to appvove the minutes of the July 12th meeting. Motion carried. A motion was made by Drogseth, sec~nded by Lawton to pay the f llowing vouchers: Current vlater Garbage City Street" Motion carried. 'Voucher # ~S26 "" 46,04 1137 - 11.41 559 - 563 817 -825 $6,924048 . 8871.30 1,903.77 1,730.23 Pat Byrne reported on his inspection of rrQueensview". ection showed minor changes to be made /I) Brown moved to approve the plat when the '~ gineer was satisfied . with the changes~ The motion was duly seconded by Drogseth an. p~assed by a unanL'1I.ous vote. '. I The"Sprague Annexationlt was brought before the Council. A mot" on was made by Lawton and seconded by Drogseth to set the public hearing for ~ePtembllr 13, 1978 at 8:00 PM" Motion carried. _ The Librar.y Report for July indicated that a record number of "tems were checked out I " during that montho Summer activity programs continued&vi.sits 0 the Library were made by the Adult Development Center and t~e Yelm Middle Schoo' sUmmer school class~ Ted Schultz recommended the C01.1ncil review the report made by '" ne-stevens on the I subject of front footage charges in lieu of assessments for wa er line construct~on and hookup and that a co~nittee meet with the Engineer and Att!rney to finalize the I:. program.." " . I ., Pat Byrne distributed copies of the proposed 6 year street pIa; to the Councils . .---/ Mayor Coates appointed Brown and Drogseth to meet with theEng- neer and study the plan. She also set the public meeting for a part of the next regular meeting, September 13, 19780 . A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Drogseth to acknowl dge the fact that the Planning Commission did not have a quorom present at the S!ecial Meeting held to consider the pre~imininary plat of "Crystal Court"" The mo,1 ion also stated that. there would be a hearing at the next regular meeting of tle Council, September 13,1978 at 8:00 PM and the Council will act without the reco lendation of the 'Planning Coffimissi?n. Motion carr~ed. . I The Council discussed at length the apparent failure of the 1?1 nning Commission to functiono Alternatives discussed were: contracting with Regio!al Planning, changing to a Hearing Of ricer-type of planning, a~olishing the Planning Commission completelyo No action was taken~' . , There being no further business, the meeting was ad~ourned Drogseth and seconded by 'Lawtono -......- I Attest: ~.AJ~ /'" _ '"' C~, _ ~ Rog~ Eide, Cl~rk-Treasurer 146 Sap. - t@mbe"X':l:l,'~~'~; 1~..:?8'~'~'1.f3',,,~~ C.r~; ':J~LC!. ';:' .' ~).\ The regular meeting of the Council of the Town. of Ye1m was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7=30 PM with the following Councilmen present: Kyler, Brown, Lawtpn, Sanders, and Drogseth. Visito~s, included Larry Benson, James Pantier, Charles Acker, Dave itfiller, Nancy Snyder, Bob Jansen and Ted Schul,tzo A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders to approve tqe minutes of the August 9th meeting. Motion carried. Current Water City Streets Arterial Streets Garbage Motion carried& A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Kyler Voucher #' 4605 - 4633 1142 - 1146 826 -, 839 29 564 ... 571 to allow the following bills: $13,101050 1,193057 4,958$00 2,4:-07000 2..161..14 0,' , ...~'r ';" Hayor Coates declared the public hearing on "Crystal Court" open and invited comments from the audienceo Larry Benson read tpe recommenqations of Byrne-Stevens & Assoce, Town Engineers, for the plat. James Pantier spoke for the proponents, stating that he felt the recommendations of the Engineers were acceptable with the exception aT the ditch section of the road. He stated that he favored a swale section and demonstrated to the Council what he meant~ After some discussion, a motion was made by Sanders to o approve the preliminary plat of "Crystal Court" with the provision that the Swale section be substituted for the ditch section and all other recommendations of the Engineer be adhered to. The motion was duly seconded by Kyler and passed by a unanimous vote of the CounciL", oArnotion was made by Lawton and seconded by Kyler to require sidewalks in future plats. After some discussion by the Council, Lawton and Kyler withdrew their motion and second. At 8':00 PM, the public hearing for considering the annexation of property mmed .by Mro & Mrs~ Jerry Sprague was called by Mayor Coateso Mayor Coates asked if anyone present wanted to be heard either for or against the annexati0n. Since there were ho comments 0 from the audience, .a motion was made by Brown and seconded by Lawton to ~dopt Ordinance . Nr. 222, "AN ORDINANCE providing for the annexati9n of certain contiguous property to . the, Town of Y:elmo ff ~10tion Carried. A motion to declare the 1969 PlymouthJauto surplus and advertise for bids was in~e by Drogseth, seconded by Sanders and passed by a unanimous votec At the request of Charles Acker, a motion was made by Kyler and seconded by Sanders to install a street light on washington Court. Motion carried. A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders to ~ transfer Harold Hobson's pay to Herb' Dempsey for the remainder of the year. Motion carried. The Six Year street Plan hearing was declared open by M~yor Coates. There being no co~~ents from the floor, a motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Kyler to adopt Resolution c Nr4 140, adopting the Six Year street Plan. Motion carried. A motion by Sanders and seconded by Kyler authorizing the spending of $200.00 for the repair of Washington, Second St. and an a~ley was passed unanimously. The Town Engineer urged the Council to study and adopt his recommendation for palicy on charges in lieu of assessments for water main construction. After discussion, the Council determined that a public hearing was needed and instructed the Clerk to ad- vertise; the meeting to be held in conjection with the October Council meeting. o Nancy Snjr,d;~r reported a new circulation record for August, with 3467 items checked out by 719 patrons. Over 100 children participated in the summer lIStar Journey" program. Oth~r a~pivities included full length fiL~, exotic animals, food preservation workshop, and activities for Senior Citizens and Aqult Develppment Center. Kathy Swartout was hired to replace Birdie Crawford, who recently resignede Ted Schultz presented a summary of the "Optional t"Iunicipal Codell for study by the Council", There being no further business, the meeting was adjourne, at 10:)0 ,~M on a ~otion by , Drogseth and seconded by Sanders. ~ / /' ? / , c:.) /J2-t~" P . C~ 6~~ Ldra B. , Coates, Mayor, i Attest: ~ .~ ;e, ,~ ~~- R6ger Ei e, Clerk~Treasurer 148 October 11,: 1978 . The regular meeting of ,the Council of the Town of Ye1m was called to order by I~ayorCoates at 7':30 PM with the following Councilmen' present: . Brown, Lawton, KtJ:-er, Sanders and DrogsethG Visi tors,-ineluded., Tracy McKendry, Sue Gore, Roberta Longmire, Bill Jones, Mary Gordon'; Don l'filler, Pat Byrne, Ted Schultz, Jim Witt, Frank v~l tt, and Ruth Lewis" A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth to approve the minutes of the September 13ph meeting. Motion ca rried& o A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth to allow the following vouchers: Current Water Garbage City Street Motion carried. Vou # 4634 It If IjJ4~. II n 572 . n tr 840 -- 4691 1[.49 576 .,. 849 $ 7,744..53 -: ~);j2. 69 2,209.02 1,468.73 Mary GordGn,' o:f Gordon Built Homes suggested an Assessors Plat '.as a solution to the time loss and paper work involved in dividing property in unrecorded Solberg 2nd Additiouo:; After some discussion, Mrse. Gorden stated' that she would investigate and report to the Counci~& A motion was "made by Drogseth to -accept a "Notice of Intent to Commence Annexa.tion Proceedi.ngsU presented by Eugene L. Gore, E~izabeth S. Gore," Thomas E. Longmire and Roberta B~ Longmire; that the mayor make a non-significant environmental declaration and that the petition for annexation being circulated by the proponents shall provide that the area to be annexed be subject to the existing indebtedness of the Town and be zoned R-ls The motion was seconded by Sanders and passed by a unanimous vote of the Council. At 8:00 PM the Mayor called the public meeting for the purpose of considering "Charges, in Li.ew of Assessment - for '(i),ater Line Construction". ,After reviewing o. the Engineers recommendations, a motion was made by Drogseth and secon~~~py Sanders instructing the attorney to draw an ordinance containing the recommendations. Motion carriedo Attorney Schultz presented Ordinance # 223, "AN ORDINANCE determining the estimated amount of revenues to be raised by ad valorem taxes for the Town of Yelm for the fiscal year 1979, and fixing the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied for the To~~ of Ye1m for the fiscal year 1979." The ordinance was adopted by a motion by Sanders and seconded by Ktler~ " Mayor Coates appointed Drogseth and Lawton to the negotiating committee to meet with the Police Union. Library Report for the .month of':September 1978 was,read$- Circulation for September was 2224, wittl 463 pat;r:ons si.gning out library materials. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM on a motion by Lavlton and' seconded by Brown.. ~d~ Lora B4 Coates, Mayor Attest: /~~~ 4. ger Ei e, Clerk-Treasurer o '-1---)' I a } _ j v- I ~ I 149 No~ember 8, 1978 The regular meeting of the COUPcil of ~~e Town of Ye1m was ca1 ed to ord~r a~ 7:30 PM by Mayor Co,ates with t~~. foll?wi~g J~bunc~~en p:rEjts~,nj:1 BroWll, L~wton, Sanders and Drogsetn.Other nS1.tors incliliied J~ S10pak ~r~ d Sr., ,Ted Schultz, and Engineer ~1~~eer~~teYens.... I.. A motion wa~ maqe by Drog~eth and s~conded by Sanders to appro e th~ min~t~s of . the October 11, meeting. · Motion carried. . .... I Amotion was made Qy~anders and seconded by Drogseth .to pay tie following vouchers: Ge~eral . V(ju'# 4692 4758' $10,116"'.0;, Water" 1150 - 1151 39603 ,C:l.tystreet It 850 - 853, .1,025..0: Garbage u 577... 580 2,054.91 Motion carried. JiIn Slopak Jr. ,showed th~ co~eil plans for an o~fice and' smal \ store. building he",proposes to build at Mosman and First ,Street consistiI}g of 1 SpOP:3 and offices. He" explained' the proposed' architecture .-a.nd parkin~tto the, gounfil.', The Council ' recommended that he confer with,the Town Engineer to resolve a,y prOblems. ~ Schultz presented copies of an. ordinance to a.ssess front) Qtage ~hargeson the water'lines (exi.~ting)' and recomm~nded .that the Council, ':study 'he' Ordip.ance for action at the Decem~erme~ting. t~brar.y Report wasTead',~ Mayor Coates indicating circulati~n for the ~onthwa~ 2604, with 590 patrons s~gning out material. A'motion was meade by Sanders ahd seconded. by Drogseth that the by ,;the.. Judge be mQunted on a portable background.,', Mc>tion ,c~r , , . :f' ~ blackb~ardrequested ed. .. I ',' . I the meeting to ...~d~~ LbrA' 13. Cba:t~ s, May-oF.' ~ " ' Amotion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton to adjo Nov~ber i4, 1978 at 7 :30 'PM. Motion carried... ",' " ; \ t' " . Attest: . .'..~r'-.C~ 'Rc~~!,E1d~, 'Clerk-Treasurer' ! .. II" .. f ~ . .. " Adjourn~\b6Uncil Meeting, 'November 14,' 1978 The meeting :was calleq to order by Mayor Goates at ,7:30 PM wit the fo1+Slwipg:, , Qouhcilmeri'present: L~wt6n, Kyler, B~owp,Drogseth and. Sanders Visitors",pI.!e~,ez;l,t.. ,were Robert_Jansen. ' , ' , ", ",~I, ' Th~' 1979 budget wa~ dis~'fssed at l~ii,~ha.h<i after seYe~~l: cuts ere made in ex~ pendi:tures, it wa..~ brougf1.~ into bal~ce anq referred to th~ Cl1rk to be' 'prepafed for the public..,' , ' -,' ," :' I,,' " .. ' The;:~e~ting was ~djoumledat '9:00 PM 'on a motion by Sanders' an,' seconded by Drogseth. Motioncarried'~~L/~ . . t~r~ B. Coiies~ Mayor Attest. : '" I ~, :.' 150 Yelm Public Budget Meeting, December 4, 1978 December, 13, 1978 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town pf Yelm was called to order by Mayor Lora B. eo_tea ,at 7;)0 PM with the followi~g Councilmen present: Kyler, Brown, Lawton, Sanders and Drogseth. Visitors present were:,~Merle Curry, Johnq McCaw, Penny L. Richard- son, Dale K.'Richardson, Jerry L. Tompkins, Dave'Miller, Ronald 'McCamm.ant,Robert Jansen, Fred Van Carop,.~othyJ.' Wainsco~t~ Herb R~eves,Donald Petersen, "Larry Benson, Ted Schultz and"Dori~Miller. " " '," ,,' J " l' A motion was :'made by Lawton 'and seconded by Brown to approve ~he min-utes ~f the November 8 and 14th meetings,. Motion carried_, ' , , .. ': " A motion to"al:I;o'W the Current Water' , (- City.Street 'Garbage", " Motion carriec;l. ' following bills was made Vou. # 4759 ~ 4821 n " 1158 - 1168 If tf 854 - '857 II II ,'81 - 589 by Sanders 'and seconded $14,155.14 '1,623.89 , 532.30 2~355.0l" ," by' Drogseth: . . d.#" Dave Miller, repr~senting Adolf Hutinger, ~sked,for a variance for a bounda~ adju~t- ment and undersized lots.. After di.scassion, it w:as cdeterndned. that ~he proper~y wouldhave~o 'be s~ortplated as it was a divis.io~ of the property. , , .', 'I John l~cCaw "of,McQaw 'Communications Companies spoke on cable television for the area" After discq~sirig.the service and rates, he explained that his!90mpany was interested in a tranchise't9"installcable teleVision in Town. Mayor Coate's appo~nted LawtoIl: and Brown to a ~ommi~~~~ ,to,}ne'~,t with Attorney Sch~ltz to draft a propo~ed' fr~nchise agre'em~nte A letter from the proponents of the plat of View'Rqyale requesting the deletion of gravel sidewalks was read. After some discussion, a motion w~smad~ by Sanders stating that the Tq~'w?uld not reqUire the developers to construct tl,1~ crushed rock sfdewalK~ s~ction'. The: motion was duly seconded by Drogseth and passed!' py a unanimous vote. o .. , Library rep~~t,wa~ read by Mayor Coates. ~ '".:.: )' An~alcon~r9~' wa~ discussed at length by the Council. The pos~iblity of'a tax on the water sy,stem,wa~ discussed' as a possible source of revenue. Mayor Coates appointed Sanders; Lawt,Qn, and- Brown 'to a committee to meet with Schultz and aetermine the legality of the tax. DonaldPetet.~e~J J?istrict 2 freeholder, spoke briefly on the 'duties'" of the Coun'ty Free- holders.' ~ey" will draft a home rule charter for Thurston County. - ' The Council agreed that the Police Department would have to run shorthanded during the vac,atiqA ,ot ,Cha.rles Cowell. " ' '" 'i 0_- '" A motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Sanders to adjourn the 'meeting until December2q~. - ~~78;at 7 :30 PM. Motion: carried. A t,t~;s;t :;1 <I .1 1 l.....'-.ii~.'. ~~'f,l .~ ":.'i'.......,.~{W{;.... N~.t<r: !\N\'.~'~:/'lO,,-,,("1"',r;.)l~,~~!f 1 5 I December '2,~" ,J,;9:78 , ". ft. t~~' .'...... . The adj~urne~ ~eeting was called to order by Mayor Lara B. Coat s with the following Councilnien p~e~ent: Brown, Kyler, Lawton, Sanders ~nd Drogset~.'1 ' . Visitors included :Lola Hadfield, Deanna Hadfie~d, ~red VaIl; _ Ca.mp' "Charle~ ,Cowell, Robert .Jansen" Don Ba~ard, ,Ted Schu~~z and ml.nute taker pro-t ~ Don M~ller., A motion was made by Kyler and secoi1d~d by Sanders toalio~'.'the to~lowing vouchers: , I 4821 ,$ 18.,00 589 ' 1,6S9~89 Current ,Ga~bage ' Motion carried;. v; A motion'"wa's' ,made by Brown to adopt Resolution #'141 transferri g the sum of $195.64 from the City Street Fund to the Title 2 Anti-Recessionary Fundi The motion was duly , seconded by Sanders and, passed by a unanimous vote of the Counc 11. A iI1otionwa~ m~e by Sanders and i4econded by Kyler toad~~~0rd!ti~ce # 224, "AN. , ORDINANCE amendl.~g Town ofYelm Ordinances # 216 and ,221 and th Town<of,Ye~ Budget for the calendar year 191.~ and amended thereby.,1f 'WrMotion, Carrie ~ . . !' '/',;', "it! ;:,. , ."".,', .. ' " ." ". ';, .' , I ' , '\ " . ' " " , A)notion was made by Lawton and seconded by ,'Kyler to adopt.Ordi cmce # 225, II AN , ':,' ORbI~!LNCE relating.to,thel licensing, identif.~6atiqn,and control/of dogswit~in,the. the town anctamendJ.ng, Town of Ye1m Ordinance #. ~Q a,nd Chap'ter.6 08 of the Ye1m Mun~- cipal COd~. ;M~tion;car1;rd. .i: i" . ' . ,: I ., ..." Councilwom~. Kyler, made ,s.:i1d Councilman Sanders" seconded a motio ,.'; to au~horize trle, Town Atto1;'ney ,to 'draw a' contract wi th t~ YelIn Veterin~y Clinic for the, bqaI"d~ng of- dogs picked, up", by the Tow~. . 'Motion carried.: Fred Van Camp announc,ed that the Police Uni'on' aC'cepted the....J~5% raise offered by 'the negotiatiilg.'cpmmi ttee. . A, motion was made by Drogseth and' se~on\ I ed by Kyler tha1i the Town acc~pt ,the salaI:'Y schedule and adopt, ,Ordinance # 226, ~, AN 0' INANCE approving arid adopting the Towq ofYelm Budget for the Cal~ndar Year 1979~' M!tion passed bya un- animous vote' of the Council. " , " ' ; , The:re b~i;iig n()~fUrther, bd~inessl the meeting 'was ad'jOlirnec('bti ~ m~tion by 'Lawton and seconded by., Sanders. Motion carried,_ " .. ; ., ,J fi' ',;(: ~ '.~; ~t ; , , Attest:' . ,.} " ~ l.~ ,:i :~l , , ',; 'f . . t'1 ),