1979 Minutes I' 'f, :1 ~ :1 , ;':;~" ',,4..y , 153 .~~' . Janua~' 10, 1979 , , ' , Th~ regular meetipg ofth"er@0unctii~'@:of, t~e Town ~f' Y~lm was lall~~ to .order by Mayo~ Lora B. Coates ~t 7:30 PM w~~h. the f~flow~ng Counci~ In pre~~nt: Sande~s, Drogseth and Brown. Visitors pres(9nt incl.~a~d Pen~Y.' Richar i80n, Dal~,Richardson.t ';red Thedford, Lois Mercier, Bob" Jansen, Roberta Longmire, F ed Kol_ilis, Pat Byrne, T~d :Schultz, Don Miller., Sam Durant, and Mike FAwards. " A motion w~s made by Drogseth 'and seconded bY. Sanders appro ng tpe'"min~te'sof the December 13th and'20th meetings. . MOtion carried. A Motion was made by Sanders Current: # 4822 - 4882 . Water: 1169 - 1179 Garbage: 590, -' 591 Ci ty Streets: 858 - 860: Motion carried. apd, secon~ed by Drog~eth to ,:$9; 150.38 , '1,851.50 1,785.56. ' ' 271.82 t}{e following vouchers: , 't, " l , , ' , AttorneySoh~1tz p~esented the proposed agreement betwee~:t',e~own Qf'Xetm. and Don Henrickse~, .DVM for maintaining arid,di~pos~ng of s~ray ,'FgS~ A mo~~o~ was made , by Sanders and seconded' by Drogseth appro'V;i.ng the form of t" e agreemeq~'~ J4otion carried. ' , , '., I,." '~,' " Tn~U~ioncontract waspres~nted andappro~~' as to form on mot1on by Sanders and seconded by Drogse~h.' " , t" '. ":.I,;,~",,.' ""', ",:' ' A'let1;er from the Boundary Reviewo Board to Roberta LongnlJ.re,' ~s re~d stating that the Rev1e~ Board would tak~ a posit~on' of non-jurisdiction in thl, ;Longmire annexatio~. Mrs. "Longmire request .~~a~.the Cpuncil in~truct her if therel w~Er an~~in~ she needed to canplete so the annexatJ.on could be approved at the Febru ry meet~ng. ' ' A letter frOlll Oddie Kyler where~n she iitndered!'1er re\31g1latil ri;wa~ read and accepted by the Council. ',', I,' , . Mike &lwards ' presented an' intent ,to. anhex p~~itiori for an ar "a 'lyin~ welltel: l{alQng , S, H 510 an!i ask~d the Council's ,a~Vic!' oti.;~~}~,~rs, ?o~ceI-pi:~g Ides~ript~~~s,: 9~Un~ar~eS1'i1'; and maps of the proposed area.. "He also inqtp.red if the Coun, 11 would .favor ~ncludl:ngt' thenew High School. .. ,. " '," ;, ',,' '", . ' '" I ',.. A letter was read from Rex Purdy r~gardlng tn~ ~~dio eqtiip~e; l; in the ~J1tos ~nd the base station. . Purdy, would !l:ike theToihi to purchase ',the rad 10S !,rom 4~;~ 'c' : rPe ~at'ter was. tabled until the February,meeting. }. :/" , " A'claim for encroachment on th~ir,propertTI,in the amount dt $48d.33, 'W~S recei.ved f't(jmDale and Penny' Richardson.' and dis~ti.~sed by theCouncii.l'rr~ Council determined t~at...1.;hey would' compromise the claim~ if Richi~dsons proVia~ title report,' te>, the ,. , Town and subsequent to ,the settlementipravtdlithe TawnWith latHle insurance policy. The Library Report was Eead , with 492pa tro'hs uti 11 zing, '. th~ 'ibi-art ' facilrtie S, during pecember'1916. ' , .' . /,...., ,. &Y~t;~~:~ Miyor ,~ Attest:' ,,' " , ,;y.;;:p o' G~ '/t~~/--e-. ?~' ',~ Rog~r,Eia-;; J Clerk~Treasurer '154 . . February. l,~, 1979 The meeting 'Was called to order by Mayor Coates'at.t:30 P1-1 with the following COWlci1..men' present: San~ers, Brown, Lawton and progseth. Visitors present were Dale Richa;rdson, Penny ;Richardson, Lois Hercier, Toa~'WoodJ' Tracee Mayfield, Bernice Ward, William Good, Clil'ton Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. Art lw1ackey,. William Trull, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Thetford, Robert Jansen, Glenn ~utter, Mike Edwards, Rex Purdy, Carol Purdy, Mr.. & Mrs. Frank Noble,. M;r.& Mrs. Gene Gore ,~.:Sqri,Don Barnard, IX>n Miller and Ted Schultz. . . !.~ o A motion wa's"made by Sanders to approve the n1inu~$,.'pf the January 10, meeting. The motion was seconded by Drogseth and passed. . y<:, i' <::I A m9.~iori was made, by Drogseth and ~ecorided by Sanders to allow the following vouchers: {furrent: . Water ,: City Street: >. . Garbage: Motion carried. Vau # 4883-4940 1180-1196 861'-865 592" $ 6,318.52 12',334~O, 1,9~3.40 1,702.64 The PTe>posal to raise the False. Arrest insurance limit of liability from $300,000 to $500,000 was discussed." A diff~rence of $613.00 for the add1tionalinsurance was discussed. A mo~i'on was made by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton to leave the limit at ~$300j000. Motion carried. The':.Lib~a1;'Y' Report was read by Mayor Coates. ID was noted that 728 'patrons checked out 'a tot$l of 3239 items in JanuarT. Yelm had the largest circulation 'of al~ the small Timberland libraries for the year 1978. A motion was, made by Sanders and secon~ed by DrogseSh authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract for health services with the Thurston County Heal~h ~pt. Morion '9a.rried. At ,,8~oo PM the Mayor called the public hearing for the "Longmire Annexation". Dale Richardson indicated his attorney had advised him to .ask .the Cou ncil to CQmbine 0-' ._ the "Longmir'e and 'Edwards annexations and make the dedication of the exten~ion of McKenzie Street a condition of the annexation. . Roberta Longmire indicate4 ~he was not ~n;.t~!or of deeding street right-of-way and asked the' Council to cons~der annexing the property owned by Gene Gore if they could not agree to annex'the whole piece. . A mo~ion was made by Lawton and seconde~ by Brown to require ani~vironmentaLL Impact statement for annexations. After 'some discussion, 'Brown withdrew his second and Lawton his motion. . . .~ ~ , Brown moved and L~wton seconded a motion to table the "Longmire Annexation" until a future date~ 'lhe motion was decf,eate~ with: Brown and ,Lawton. voting yes, and Sanders and Drogseth voting "Nott, with Mayor Coates casting the tie-breaking "11on vote. Drogseth moved and Sanders seconded. a. motion to ,adopt Ordinance "'227, nAN ORDI~ANCE prpviding for the annexation of certain contiguous property to the Town of Yea, W'ashington" . Motion carried. A motion was mage by Drogseth and seconded by' Sanders to enter into a lease-purchase agreement wi th Hex Pur~y to acqUire 2 mObile",,'ra(ij.o units and. ~llBase unit owned by Purdy and used by. the Iown of Yelm~"~~ The agreement is to reqUire le~se payment~ ,of $25.qo, per month st~rtingJulY,.l; ~97'9, for a ~otal price of $800~OO, with the. Town reserving, th~ right to purchase~the ra.dios and ''\;he lease payments to app~y to the purchase. Motion carried. . William. Good of the Good-Ward Copp.. presented plans for a water system. and develop- ment: North of the Cen1iralia'Ca.nal~ . He indicat$4 a desire to hook up to the Yelm . water system. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Sanders. to accept the plans and al~ow the hookup subject to approval by Byrne-Stevens. Motion carried~ 'D-~ :J;~ t.. . . Art Mackey requested a water l1ookuptto his property on Canal Rd, between Crystal Springs and Rhoton Rd. Beesuse of~unusual circumstances,>>tne matter was referred to :Councilman Brown to confer with." Byrne~St'evens and make a decision. " 'Annexation of property'west of Town was discussed by Mike Edwards and the CQuncil. "'M'r~ ....i!l:!:wards was int~rest,~d in knQwing if t~e. Co~cil desired to include the School :~. ,'prqp,er~y> in the map ~d:' area for ,anne.xatiori. Dr. 'Nutter, school superintendent, e!l~t~~ pre~sed a.desire. "that tlt~, School 'be ip.cluded..witb\ the Council ooncurring. Mr. Edwards , .\ :.tel,~. ;he .:co~ld l1aVe 'the map with the boundary'~a'nd' zoning for the }'larc~ meeting. The n~esof Clifton Bryant, Sam ,Qurant, and. William, 159M were,place~ in nomination to.. f~ll t.he Council :I'o~ition vacated '-by the r~signatJ.on of OddJ.eKyler. Lawton made, I I' I -2~ !. '155 ..~'~'/~' and, Sanders seconded am.otion to close the nominations;' M'otion carried. 'Ballots J were cast with Brya.nt receiving 3 votes, 1som 1, and none for rant. Don Barmard gave a report on animal coritro~. , " , al 1I!5o P/J1 A motion" to adjournj\was m.ade by Drogseth and seconded by Sander and 'p~ssed by' a1 un-- animous vote.", \ tl;J2; At~es,~~' ," G ~r~ T~~~le ' ~ March 14, 1979 The)ill!eg:ul~ meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was' calle to ord~:r b~ liayor Coates at 7 :30 PM with the fol-lowing Councilmen present: Brown, I wton, prog~~th, Sanders, and Bryant.. Visitors include'd, Judg7 Tom. Huff', Phyllis Huff, lvIik I Edward~:, ~,~nw Richa~d- son, Dale R:ichardson, Roberta Longnure, Robert Jansen, John, She :fe,.., Dol',l !b)..lef: and A~torney Teq Schultz. , . . . .' . . '. I The first order of business was to swear in newly appointed Coun tlman, Clifford Bryant, by. Judge Tom Huff. ,The ininutes' of the February 14, m~e~ing we~e approved on a motio by~Dzn'g'$eth and seconded by Sariders. > . The.toll~wing vouchers were approved for payment o~ a~motion by 'seth: ,Current #4941 ~ 5P~a $i~ j~49.. 94 , Water 119'7 .. ~21;t , B ,i~?3.41 City street ' 866 ;"," '869 if~12~6Q Motion carried. Garbage '59:3, ~, $95' l'j:Sj.j.Ji ,seconded, by Drog- , '':.., Mike Edwards displayed a ~~P' showi~g the boundary and Zoning fi),f t, e anne.xation west of Yehle Mrr 'Edwa:,ds also' p;esented petiti?n~ far anneiiationsigned by ~hel'ewners of 79;-077% of the assessedvaluatiqn,:a legal descrJ.ption of the area to be annexed, He a~keqt:q.e Council to authorize the Clerk to fix a date for the preliminary hearing on he fir~t availab~e Counoil ; " " I .., , meeting after approval by the Boundary Review Board and to furthe authori~e tbe Clerk to publish ~otice' o~ said hearing. ~,mo~ion was made by Sanders and \ second~<i by 1Jrogseth tOy accept th~ petitJ.?n, acknowledge J.t wJ.ll be presented to the '!hur,ton Count~'Boundary Reviel' Board, and authorJ.ze the Clerk to set the first available Town Co; ei1 m~et+ng as a pre- lilninary,,:.heari~g date and publish the advertisement. Motion carr; ed.. ' . '.In ordinance granting franchise ,rights to Yelm Telephone Co. ,rece ved the fir'st reading. There was'some' discussion of possible feese A motion' was ma9.e by Ss.nders and ~econded by" Bryant ac~epting the first reading.. Motion ca~ried. ~ " . .' , "" t~.., ......,. o....t... l' ., ~ i,. . A Claim for reimbursement for police badge~and collar brass and atchesin the, amount,of $60.00 was presented by John 'Sherfey and considered by the Counci I ~ Sargent' Jansen pre''- sented.astatement setting the cost at $46.70~ ~~ot~an was~made l~tBbDwn and secbnded by Bryant tc>:a110w Sherfey $46.70 - the cost to him. II/lotion carried ' . .' Library Report was r~ad by the M~or. A'motion~by' Drogseth to accept the salary committee's recommendat'on that the qtilities Superintende~t me gi~en a $25.00 per month rais~, was secondeq .by ~rown and'passed .by the Council.... . . . I" th~re being no' further ,business, a m'otion to adjourn was made by 'IDrogseth, at 9 :15PM, , was seconded;.,by Sanders and passed by a unanirnous';vote. i~ .Coates, "}'./ Attest: o '~"". ~_ <e.~',,~ j -"'1 ~".... ,~_ \ '''~'qg~~ '_ "', ~rre s eT . , 156 Aprilll, 1'979 The regular Council Meeting 'of the Town of Ye1m was called' to 'order by Mayor 'Coates at 7:30 PM with the following Councilmen present: Brown,'Sanders, Bry.ant; DrQgs~t.h ~nd La.wton. Also present were ~he following; : Ferdie Jay-,.Dale Richards'on, 'P~nny 'mph~dson, Ted' Thetford, Roberta Longmire, Larry Benson, Jack Tokarczyk, James Keye~; Don Miller, Don Barnard,and Ted Schultz. 'Q . , " - A motion to appro'V"e'~the' ininutes'"'-q.f .the Marchl14th meeting was made by Sanders, seconded by Drogseth and passed. by a'unammous.vote. A motion was made by Sanders Current Water ' Garbage City stre~t~, Motion carried. and seconded by Drogseth 5013 -',074 1213 - 1.221 596.... 597 870 - 874 to allow the $11,,$,16.88 2,Z.76.61 1,7$1.93 171.23 following. vouchers: o Attorney Schultz; 'advised the Council to require a Title Insurance Policy on all future water line easements. On the advi~e of the att~rney,'a motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Drog~eth to set the iliimit of title polieyat $1,000.00 for all future water line ease11lents. .t';Moticn carried. . Acting on a request f from' .the residents of McKenzie Court S'W., a motion was made by Drog- . seth and seconded';by'Sanders to authorize 'Puget Power to install a street 'light. on McKenzie Court s.w.. Moti-ani.carried. A motion was made byB~ant and seconded by Sanders to issue a fin~l declaration of non- , significance on the storage buildings proposed by Har~ Lewis on First Street between ~ Van Trump and St~~~ns '.street. Motion carried ~ . A motion to ame~.the street Sign Ordinance to adopt the ,Thurston County standards was made by Lawton and seconded 'by Sanders and pa.ssed unanimously by the Councilo A motion to require the contractor or developer to in~tall all signa to' Thurston 'County speCificationsWi"..,.,t.,..~.;_2. .~~in. steel posts was made by SaMars, second~..'d ,by Drogseth and passedeO" ," The plat of Prai!~~'Plots was presented by James Keyes, engineer a11-d ~oberta Longmire, developer, to the'Council. A motion~ to set the 'public' hearing for~lcnday., April 23, 1979 at 7 :)0 PM .at the:'Gity Hall in Ye1m was made by Bryant and. seconded by Sanders and. passed by tpe Council. ":',; .. A motion was mad~'njy;<8Tyant to allow a request 'from the Yelm Telephone C<)". to install under- ground cenduit on Yelnr'Ave. W from Railroad St to Edwards st. and to install buried cable northerly" on Edwards and Crystal Springs to Canal Rd. Motion carried. ., . A'motlon.was:mad~.(Qy,La.wton and secondeq. bY' Bryant. to repair the garage doors on the rear of the Police Statio!l:s.' Motion ca:r;ried. The Council determtrted':' that the School t s request.. ~9r water to the Dtl vers' LOYnge would have to be d~nied because' of'inadequate pipe size on Coates to support ano~her service. ~ r The Council. could ~ot act on Jack To~arzykts request for a zoning change for his property in the"Edwards AnIlexationU due to'the fact that it was not in the Town aDrd not under the jurisdiction of ~h~'~"?;6Uncil." . . ,I' . . Ferdi~ Jay's rat~e~t"to extend the water lineOto his property on Longmire' Street was referred to Byrne-Stevens~~for their recommendation. ~, . After reading a letter~:'from Ed Stevens of. the ,Firm of Byrne-Stevens and Associates recommending the.' approval of the .final plat o.f' View Roy~le, amQtion was made by Bryant and seconded, by Lawton to accepti~'ithe''''pla.t. Motion carried~v A motion by Brow~ '~uid. seconded by Lawton would reqUire, ~t the discretio~ of the Council, tha,t developers ~~() ~e~uest water service ~onate a w~ll 8i te to the. Town. Motionp carried. ,D':' ',' Don Barnardreported:that the grader needsllnew clutch and the: G.M..C. .truck needs' 2 new . tires. A motion7was,',made by Bryant andsec;:ond~d' by Br~wn to repair the grader 8l!d. to replace the wor~'i.~i,res on 'the truck. Motiopcarri~si.. Larry Benson or the, Engineers office, .dis~uss~d a bill that was received from Reliable Steel Fabricatior.~'"for~work on: ~he water tank (No.2). The Coun~il :'re.tt, that the bill was not entirely justifi~c;i:'and' the Mayor appointed Brown and Drogsetl1.' ~o 'meetWi th the Engineer and Reliable, to resolve the' questiO'n~ . '. <: "'. ':, . . ; The monthly Library'Report submitted by Librarian NancY' Snydei: was rea.d by Mayor Coates. It was noted that a record-breaking. 162 patrons signed outmateriq.ls at the City Library. t" ..-1 ." '1 t';' ;, ~ . ~~l_:;~'."';,<lilr. ! , 157 ",,'~ 'Joy,rBryant & secon9.ed,,:PY, ~awt9n.;' .;:: . . ' A motion was'madeAto require "an'~nu'all.nventory by the poll.ce ~ and the Clerk',.! S 'of~ice'i'!ilotion p,&ssed by ur:animous vote. 1; .~.~" _.' ,., . ;j 'i;~'~' ! .,' ~ ,_ . There being n~furtheI' business, Ithe m~et.ing ~as7'adJourned and seconded by, Bryant at 10 :,20 1jM. ,Motion carried. , I i ! Department, by progset,h I Attest .: ~~., .",A,'n / # (~~~f Roger Ei~, C erk-Treasurer May 9" 1979 I . . ~ ... The regular meeting' of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called '0 order oyMayorCoates at 7:30 PM with the followingl,Councilmen present: Brown, Sanders, IBryant and Drogseth., ' Visitors included Nick J. Dir'a;:,. Fred Van Camp, Robert 'Jansen, Will,am RUddell, Don Barnard, Jim Keyes, Penny Richardson, Ted Thetford, Dale Richardson, Larry lensoIl, Mr. & Mrs. F~A~ NOble, Don Miller, Lloyd Reichel, Mike Edwards, Roberta Longmire, lora Robinson and Kip Stiltz~ I ' A motion was made by Sander~ and seconded by Brown approving the m nutes of the April 11, 1979 meeting. Motion carried. . I · . '- Motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders to allow ',the f llowing vouche-rs:' Current Vou # 5074 -, 5136~, $ 12,757.36 Water .,1222 - 12.31 2,l~8.93 Ci ty Street. '. 875 - 878 "'268.79 ,Garbage '598 - 599, " i, 767 .24 , .... ~ " Motion carried~ I A motion authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to s~gnt)'an agreement with Dr. Henricksen of the Yelm Veterinary Hospital for the boarding an~ disposal of unlicens ~ dogs wa~ made 'by , Brogsetb and seconded by ,S,anders. and passed. oy a unanmmous vote of ~he C<?uncl.l. " , A motion was made by Bryant to accept the Preliminary Plat of tt Pr n,rie Plots" ,~, subject to the computing of -the fire flow at the It T It, which will f~rnish water to the plat by the Town Engineer., Motion passed by a unanimous vote of the Council.' A public hearing on the "Edwards Annexation" was called at 8:00 PM y Mayor Coates. Mr. Edwards expre$sed the desire to extend the City wa~er system and all 0 to increase the density 'of hi~ plat from 2 housing units po~ 6.2 per acre. Mr. Dira expres:ed thede~ireto have his property zoned commercial, which was granted. There was some d'scussion on the'ability of the water system to provide water for the increased consumption. \ Ther.ebei!lg no more discussion; 'amotion was made,. by Bryant and seconded by~and:ers to djourn'the h.earing. Motion carried.', ' The proposed front footage ordinance was tabled for further study. A-motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Brown to allow the Newb'rn Christion Center, of ,Puyallup, Wn. to hold a gospel tent -revival in the ?Town Park, pro\ded the attorney determine -that the 'Town would not be ~iable and that the Center fur~sh sanit1ry facilit~es. Motion carried. . '. I. Motion ,was made by Sanders and secon~ed by Bryant to furnish paint ,or ~he rail around the Park parking lot and thereby provide Scout Robert Hollock the oppor I unity to earn a'scouting honor for cOl1llliunity service. Kotion carried. I A motion- ~to apply for' nine (9) people from the Youth Wa,rk Exp~rienc program with the' . stree,t/water department to ~ecei vetwo~~2) and the Police Dept.-to' lec~i veseven;' (7), was made' 'by Sanders and seconded by Bryant and passed by a unanimous vo e of the ~ouncil. ' \ ~ motion was made by Brown 'and seconded by Sanders to authorize Mar hal Ruddell to have ,the Police cars repaired as requested. Motioncarried~ I. A Motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Bryant to repair the J hn Deere mower as'request- edby Water Superintendent Don Barnard. Motion carried. 158 > '.1 ,I Larr,y Benson stated the time for a new 6 year street plan is near~ Mayor Coates appointed Brown and Drogseth to a committee to inspect the streets to make recommendations to the, 'Engineer. ,A motion was-made by Brown and seconded bySaridens to,have the Councilmen meet at 7:00 PM on the evening of the regular meeting to review and study vouchers. Motion carried. Libra~ report was read by Mayor Coates. I Mayor Coates introduced Marshal William Ruddell to the Council. Marshal Ruddell explained his programs and philo~ophy'for the operation of thePolic~ Department. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Bryant to adjourn the meeting to Monday, May 14,1:] 1979 at 7:30 PM. Motion carried. May 14, 1979 The adjourned meeting was called to order by Mayor Cmates at 7:00 PM with the following Councilmen present: Brown, Sanders, Bryant and DD~gse(bh. No" vi'sitors present. A motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Sanders 't.o','allow the following vouchers for payment: Current: .#'5134 - 5136 $336.50 A motion to install a: radio 'c6mmunfcations system in"the utility truck was made by Bryant, seconded by Sanders and passed by a unan~ous vote.of the Council. ' , , Tank emergency repair bills from Byrne-Stevens & Assoc~ates and Re1iabl~ Steel Fabricators were discussed by the Council. A motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Sanders to return the respective bills and ask that the bills be reduced by 50%. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:-25 PM on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Bryant. Motion carried. ~.. o Attest: ~~~ R&ger . ide, Clerk-Treasurer '/ o " ~- ,. 5: 0.4- ~ 159 J~.e 12,1979' The regular meeting of the Council of the 'fown of Ye1m was called to order at 7 :30 PM by Mayor Coates 'with the following Councilmen present': Brown, Drogseth, Sanders and Lawton. Visitors present were Nick J. Vira, Ma~ie Dira, Ted Schultz, P~t Byr e, Bill Ru~del1, Evelyn Southworth, Don Barnard and Jim Kitchen: .1 Minutes of the May 9th and 14th were read. qouncilmart Brown move,d t,h'lt the fifth paragraph of the minutes of the May 9th Council meeting be corrected to read a I follows:: itA motion was made by Bryant to ~pprove" the' P:r;'~f.t~,;iJ1!1fY~ P;1..?t ,0 \ ,Y Prairie Plots",' subject '~'" . to the review and recommendations of the Town Engineer includ. ng a computation of the ':1',"" ' , fire flpw at the 1fT" which will furnish water to the platted Ir-ea." , otion passed bya unanimous vote of the Council. Motion was mad~ by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth to allow the fol owing vouchers: Current Vou # 5137 - 5209 $19,652.2~ Water It 1232 - 12U7 4,819..08 streets ,~ 879 - 882 357 ~ 90 Garbage ft 600-602 1,~83. 75 Pat Byrne presented his recommended conditions of approval fov the P rliminary Plat of , "Prairie Plots" which were r~ad'>and di-sclts.sed by the Council. Parag aph nine (9) was changed to read as follows:: , ' . I . '. .: "street names and 'numbers be established 1n accon nce w1ththe prov1s1ons of , ,'?hapter 12.20 of the Yelm Municipal Code.'t I ' Motion was made by Brow~ and secon~ed by Sanders to adopt the conditil ns of ~pproval of the preliminary plat of "Prairie Plots't as corrected and that the propane ts of the plat be for~ warded a copy with the change. 1 Pat Byrne discussed on-site drainage problems with the Council and re ommended the Town of Yelm consider adoption of a Standard. Roadway Construction Policy. . No actii!l"was taken. The Engineer was requested to prepare an estimate for an update of th Town's Comprehensive Water Plan. , ': I Motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders to approve the in1emnity agreement between ',. the Town and Newborn Christian Center and to authorize the use of the p~rk from July 9,1979 'Ito July 14, 1979. The Clerk was cl.:i:'rected to forward the permit. " ~arshal Ruddell r~ported that he had received an offer from the Town : f Roy to assist the Roy Police Department in his off-duty time. Council felt it would not in1erfere with nis duties as Marshal of Ye1m, however preferred that he not be designated as IIMars1al of Raylt. The Mildred Ikebe Claim against the Town for injury damages was prese1teq to the Council. Motio was made'byLawton, seconded by Brown to instruct Attorney Ted Schult I to refer the claim to the Town's liability insurance carrier immediately. . I . Request from the Yelm Telephone Co. for an eOCtention of their franchi e was read and discussed by the Council. Motion was made by Lawton to extend the Yelm Telephole Co. franchise for a 3D,year period and to request that the Telephone Co. install and main lain a ~ay phone in the vicini ty of the Folice 'Department office for public use. Motion was j1e,conded by Brown and ' passed unanimously.' ' . I.' . . Motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Lawton to instruct attorne Ted Schultz to draft a revision of a proposed B & 0 Tax Ordinance for future use. Letter from Dr. Kenneth Arnold, requesting permission to move his mod lar'office to the bound- ary of his lot in order to permit construction of his new office was ~ad and discussed. Motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Brown to grant a 90 day temporar 'variance to Dr. Arnold. Motion carried. ' A letter of Intent to Annex was submitted by James Kitchen. The requ st was referred ~o the ' I~,own Attorney and, Engineer for study and to consult with the proponen of the Annexation at he next regular meeting. The Council deferred action on the Edwards Annexatiqn. The motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Sanders to postpone action pending further study with prop nents of the annexation to resolve apparent zoning proplhems and that the proppnents be so adviied. . Pat Byrne informed the Council that he had requested an additional dep'sit of $800.00 from Good-Ward COlIlpany, developer s o~ View Acre s fOD. inspec ti on fees. I. . . . . Pat Byrne brought to the attent~on of the Counc~l, the need for the up,ating of ,the Record Maps, for the Town of Yelm. Boundary map, zoning and water system :q1aps should be: brought up to datee Motion was made my Lawton and seconded by Brown, to authorize Byrne-Stevens to submit a cost estimate for a map study update. l .' I ,': 160 J A Motion was made by Brown and seconded by Drogseth to review the proposed water ordinance setting front footage rates withactibn to be taken at the next meeting. Library Report fo~ the month of M~y 1979 was read by Mayor Coates. . . Don Barnard reported that repair of the chlorinator was required and that~he had made the necessary arrangements. Motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton to authorize Don uarnard to purcbase a gas-powered weed eater fon the Town of Yelm. Report was made by. Marshal RUddell on Police Activities ~or -the month of- May. Marshal__ O.~. Ruddell presented a letter from the Yelm School District inquiring if the Town would be ~ interested in provid~ng certain security services to the School District and requesting an estimate of charges for such services. A Committee consisting of Drogseth, Lawton and Ruddell was appointed by the Mayor to meet with a r.epresentative of the School District on Tuesday, 19 June. 1979 to work out particulars to pe.presented to the Council at the next ~~ meeting. :. . . . There being no further business, ~he meeting was adjourned at 11:45PM on a motion bU Drogseth and seconded by Lawton. ~_.. , .' // .....- v01iZ/i Lora B. Coates; May?r Attest :: a:~ 9~~ Ann r. Zel!lbasrDeputy Clerk o G. ,';- t. o 16l July 11, -1919 It':, . +.. The regular meeting olfthe Council of the Town of Yelm was cal].ed 0 order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Coates w~ththe fOl", ~o,wing COunCilmen, -,~resen,t:; Bro~n, ~ryant'IIDrOgSet, h~ Visitors present were M~ke Edwards, Dale 'and Penny i:11.chardson, J:un i1.tchen, Bon ,Jansen, Pat Byrne, Nick Dira, Maria Dira,Ted:Schultz; Don Miller, Roger Ramsey and ~'lliam Ruddell. ; The minutes of 'the Jurie'13, 1979 meeting were adopted on a motion Iy Drogseth and seconded by Bryant and a unanimous v~te of.the \louncH. I, The following vouchers were approved for payment bnya motion by Dr'gseth~and seconded by Bryant:' I Current Water Ci ty Street ,Garbage 5210 -'5272 12480- 1255 883 0'- 892 603.- 601 $11,671~95 2,360..58' 2,296~80 2,495.33 I Motion carried. After discussing the zoning of the U;High School Annexationlt, the C uncil ~hon6red the request of Mr~ Dira and Jack Tokarczyk to change the zoning of their prope :ty to C-l.. A motion was made by Bryant. and seconded by Drogseth to' adopt Ordinance # 228, 'IAN ORDINANCE providing for the'annexation of certain contiguous property to'theTown of Y 1m, Washington. Motion carried. Library report was read by M~yor Coates. Ted Schultz read a letter advising the Council to require Mr. Jame Kitchen to include Coates Stroeet a, ndt, h.e land owner, sto the Ea,st 0, f the property he p l:oposed for. annexation. The Council decided to follow.the attorney's advice and advise Mr.. Kitchen. A motion- was made -by Drogseth and seconded -- by Bryant to adopt Ordi anc~ # 229, " AN ORD~ INANCE granting tb the Yelm Telephone Company,- a Washington corpor Iti-on, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to construct, main lain and operate tele- communication facilities in, over, upon and under the public rigl1t I of way within the Town of Yelm. If Motion carri;ed. Council received- an estimate ,from Farl Hogge for updating the City Map. His price was . 'quo~ed as $1-.00 per hour with a minimum_-.of '215.00 anfiamarlmum 0 I $800.00. The Council tabled the, proposal until a future date. ,'" ' , I, Ted Schultz circUla.ted copies of a business and occupa.tion .tax sur ley to the Council for study. The survey outlined Olympia and Lacey ordinances. A moti9n by Brown and seconded by'Drogseth appointed Bryant to neg tiate with Thurston ',Eounty for the repair of Mosman Street SW., Motion carried. I Brown made a motion seconded by Br~ant to.approve tQe request of F led Phipps for a con- ditional use permit to move a mobil home on his property at 1109 C Iystal Springs St. NW for a period of- (1) one year. Motion carlried. . -Pat Byrne 'submitted a price of $2500.00 to $3000.00 to update the amprehensive Water Plan. Pat Byrne was instructed to invite Jesus MOllinett to the August C luncil meeting to ex- plain the advantages. and cost of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. County hearing examiner was also discussed. Ted Schultz-explained that the garbage contract would have to be avertized for bids ag~in. S~ate statu~e-requ~res that services be bid ev~ry 5 years.' ~ I Schultz prese~ted a bill from Reliable Steel Fabricators for $2,06 .58. The Council had asked.Reliable to reduce the bill by 50%. Schultz explained that t ley would reduce it by $200-..00 only. - Mayor Coates appoint~d Drogseth and Brown to meet w'lth Reliabile to negotiate. Roger Ramsey complained about the t;ucks blocking First street whe I they unload at Wolfs. M~y~~ . Coates instructed the Police Department to talk to 'Wolf' s an 1'1 resolve the proeIDem. ,T~~0~~9nt f9Q~~ge rates were discussed by the CounciL and Byrne wi Ih the ordinance tabled 1lIlti.::l a more .-sUi table solution could be determined. . I Tfie~~' 'bein~.' ,p~-, in.ore business, the meeting was adjourned on a motio BY Bryant and seconded by Drogseth. I :& I Attest:: layor "I ... ~ 'C:?,7 " '''~ - /Z~:t Roger ~de, ~lerk-~easurer i162 " August 8, 1979 The regular meeting o~ the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to o!der by Mayor Coates at J:30 PM wit~ the following Councilmen present: Brown, Drogseth, Bryant, Sanders. Ron Lawton was absent. Visitors present included: Juanita Beaver, ~esley McNally, Mr.& Mrs. Dale Richandson, Mrs. "August Mercfer, William Ruddell, Fred. Va.nCamp, James Enlow, Ted Thetford, Don Miller, Jerry Hadfield. I motion wa.s made by Drogseth and seconded by Bryant to adopt the minutes of the July 11 meeting~ Motion carried. A motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Sanders to allow the following vouchers: o Curren~: Vou # 5273 - ~334 Water II n 1256 1261 C~ty Streets It n 893 899 Garbage II II 608.... 612 Motion carriedo $ 12,671.11 2,623.86 1,981.28 2,279.95 "Library Report .was .read by Mayor Coates.The Librarian reported a continuous ri~e in the numbe~ of people using the Library. Mrs. McNalley brought the flooding problem on Rhoton Court to the attention of the Council. The Council assured her the problem would be taken care of. Mr. ~low'discussed the sl~ping of the road to the water tank behind his home. He explained that he feltgthat run70ff water would drain into his yard. The Council instructed the Clerk" to write the contractor that installed the tank to see if he would rebuild the" road to slope <~it the other way. "'The Council discussed the proposed business and occupation tax..k. motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Sanders instructing the attorney to prepare a draft ordin?nce setting rates at .001% for retail and .004% on utilit~es.," Mot~on ca.rried. A motion approving the .form o.f a garbage contracd. and instructing the Town Clerk to D., ~ advertise 'for bids was made by Bryant and seconded by Drogseth and passed by a unanimous vote of the Council. Marshall Ruddell informed the ~ouncil that 2 of his men were accepted into the St~te Basic Academy with 'salaries to be re;imbursed by the State. He proposed the Co~cil pay overtime to the present police officers so the present level of service can be maintained. A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Br,yant tooadopt the proposal of Ruddell to pay extra compensation from the Law & Justice to present personnel for extra hours each week up to a to~al of 8Q'hours for all personnell Motion carried. A motion was made by Bryant and seconded QY Sanders to cal~ for bids for a new or used 6 cylinder automobile for use by the Police Department. Bids to be opened September 12, 1979G Motion carr~ed" Fred VanCamp of "Local 461 explained he :Would like to get alfletter of demandlfin to the Council so negotiations can be"started. There.be~ng no more business, the meeting was and seconded by Drogseth. Motion carried. \, a"motion by Bryant Attest: o /~c ,~'~ r'z'~ // - {Z-' ' Roger Eide, Clerk-Treasurer 1'1,' . '.1 I I 163 '. > September 12, 1979 The regular ~eeting of the Council of the Town of 'Ye1m was calle 1 to order by Mayor' Coates at 7:30 PM with the follo~ing Councilmen present: Brown, awton, Bryant, Sanders, and Drogs~th. Vis1:t?ors pr~sen~ were:: ,Terry Vandiver, Jerry Hadf leId,. Deanna H~tfield, George Tyler, L~rry Benson, Doriald Visser, Roberta ~Longmire,. w'i:11iam Ruddell" Russell and Lyla Eide, Robert Janse~, Penny Richard~on, Mr. & Mrs. David Gil1espie,-Ted Schultz ,and Don Miller. A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth ~o apgrove the minutes~of the A~gust 8, 1979 meetin~. Motion carried. A'motion to allow the following vouchers for p~ent was made by 4ryant, seconded by Sanders and passed by a unanimous vote of the Coun9il ::; Current Water' , f.f.arbage Qity street 5368 - '5405 1262 - 1267 613 6:22 900 - 912 $19,338.61 1,743.24 2,569.02 2,984.34 A request for a 'parking variance was submitt~dbyRober~a 'Longmi leo Mrso Longmire re- quested the parking spaces for a new office building at Lots 3 & 14; block 9, Solbergts .tat addition to Yelm,be reduced from 18 to 8. Amotion was made by Lawton and seconded by Bryant to approve the variance. Motion carried. The "Town received one ,bid for ga.rbage service. ; The bid was subm - ~ted by Harold Lemay ~nte~prises of 'Tacoma, the present carriero After comparing the brd with the present xontract, '~motion was made by Bryant an~ seconded by 'Lawton to pprove the bid. Motion carried. . I At the suggestion of Mr. Visser of Lemay Enterprises, a ,motion w s made by Bryant and .'?econded by Sanders to extend the present cont~act to October 31'11919. Motion carried. A motion by Bryant and seconded by La~tori wa~ passed and carried 0 instruct Attorney Schultz to prepare an Ordinance which~will effect an increase in larbage rates to maintain the same ~ifferential as the present ~ontract.' I A mot~on was 'made by Bryant and seconded by Drogseth to purchase eters from Corad on a trail basis. }fotion carried. I A request from the Judge to install a dOOrWay' to the adjacent Cle,k's office was approved ~nd resolved by a motion by Bryant and seconded by Sanders., Moti\n carried. Terr,y Vindiver.informed the Council that he has purchased a gr~dlr and would like to particif1~te in any future, work. The M~yor instructed Mr. Vandiv1r to present a proposal to the Council in letter form for future reference. I Ted Schultz presented Ordinance #230 ItAN ORDINANCE amending Town f Ye1m,Ordinance # 226 arid the Town 'of Yelm Budget for the calendar year 1979 adopted th IrebyU. A motion was made by ,Sanders ~~seconded by Drogseth to adopt Ordinance # 230 I Motion carried. .. Ted Schultz circulated a draft B~siness and Occupation Tax ordina1ce to the Council members. The ~raft is to be studied by th~ Council and discussed at the Oc~!ober meeting. ' A claim for injuries allegedly suffered on the ~idewalk in front If Wolf's Store was . brought to the attention of the Council.'~~fter discussion, a ,mot-Ion was madeby Bryant , and seconded by:'Sandars authorizing Byrne-Sterv.ens and Associates 10 determi!}e, if the sidewalk 'is on city right-of~way and_ if it is, to determine if th area in question is a hazard. Motion carried. A letter from Dr. Nutter, Ye1m School S~perintendent, to the Stat Highway Department was ~~ad. Dr. Nutter asked the State to consider sidewalks along Hig ay 510 from! Town to the Ne,w,Hig.h Scgool, and asked the Town fS suppo~t. The speed limit w ~ also discussed. The ~ttorney~as requested ,to draft, a letter to the St~te Highway tepa tment informing them that Chapter 10.16 of the Yelm MUnicipal 'Code allows the Town to Sl t the speed limit at .30 mph on Sta.te Highways with the City l!hmits., . I Mr. Tyler, Engineer for View Royale, argued that wood sign posts s-auld be acceptable becuase the steel posts were made a requirement after the prelimin1ry plat was accepted by the Cauno,il. ',The Council liill review the application and dete \ ine what action to ~, take. Th~ matter to be reviewed at a future meeting. . There being nOI further business, by Bryant at 10:20 PM. Attest:,' . ./~e~. ~r~o~" kt.;Mu ('l~...,..lF_.:::.fP",,,~~,,,"l""'_"" sec~p.ded 164 II October 10, 1979 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Goates at 7:30 PM ,with the following Councilmen present: Brown, Bryant, Sanders and Dr:ogseth. Visitors included Rich Darnell, JameS' W. Olsen, LfulaEide, 'LarryoBenson, Don Barnard" Bill Ruddell, Don Miller, Penny Richardson, Dale Richardson, Fr-ed Van Camp, David Gillespie, DariWheat and Ted Schultz.. A motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Sanders to adopt the minutes of the September li, meeting.. Motion c~rried~ A motion was made ~ Sanders and seconded Current 5406 - 5471 Water 1269 - 1278 City Street 915 - 920 Arterial Street ,30 Garbage 623 - 626 ~y Bryant to allow the following vouchers: $16,522.23 3,134..66 2,075.06 3,078.00 2,265.13 o Motion carried. A letter from the Y.B ."A. concerning the money raised for playground equipment was read by the Mayor and refer'red to Hal Wolf' and KClothy Pickett of the Park Committee for action. . c A letter from 'Reliable Steel Fabricators stating they would not accept any less for the tank repair than their last ,offer' of $1,'753.28, .,which is $300.00 less than the original, was dis- cussed by the Council. A motion ~asmade by-~ryant and seconded b~ Sanders to settle the bill with the amount Reliable Steel agreed upon. Motion carried with Sanders, Bryant and Drogseth voting for and Brown against~ At 8:00 PM the Mayor called the public meeting for Revenue Sharing. Don Barnard suggested th~ Council allocate som~ of the money for capitol outlay for street department machinerYe Dave Gillespie suggested a portion should be used for emergency services by placing Plectrons in the schools. ' A motion to enter into a contract with Harold 'LeMay Enterprises for garbage service was .0. made by Drogseth, s~conded by Sanders and passed by a unanimous vote of the Council., _ The library report was read by Mayor Goates. A motion to adopt Ordi~ance # 231 ~as made by Sandera and seconded by Drogseth and passed by a unanimous vot~ of the \.,;ouncil., "AN ORDINANCE relating to public health and sanitatton; pre.... scribing rates to be charged by the Town 0 f Ye1m for the collection and ~isposal of waste mat~rials; and, amending Section 8.12.100 of the Yelm Municipal Code and Town of Yelm Ordinance No. 173, as amended by Town of Yelm Ordina,nces No. 192 and 215. if' After' discussion of the speed limit by the Yelm High Schooili; a motion was made by Bryant to adopt Ordinance n 232, irAN ORDINANCE relating to and regulating vehicular traffic and travel upon the' public ways wi thin the Town of Yelm; establishing certain speed linli ts upon such , public~ways, including portions of state highways lying within the co~porate limits of the Town; repealing certain 'portions of Town of Ye1m ordinances and the Yelm M~icipal Code re- lating to the subject of this Ordinance; and declaring an emergency.n The motion was seconded by Sanders~an~ passed by a unanimous vote of the Council. A motion by Sanders to adopt Ordinance # 233, U'ANBRDINANCE d~termining the estimated"'amount of revenues to be raised by ad valorem taxes for the Town of Ye1m for the fiscal year 1980, and fixing the amount of ad valorem taxe~ to be' leVied for the Town 0 f Yelrri for the fiscal y(:)~h 1980.", Was seconded by Drogseth and p~ssed by anunanimous vote of the Council. " The six year street plan was discussed by the Council. Lar~ Bensonrecoromended that the, 0 Council authorize the Engineer to update the plan. A motion was made by'Bryant and seconded by Sanders to au th ori ze Bynae.-Stevens and As 5001';- t~ s to . update the Tom; ~ Y e,;-r ~tree-t: Plan _ at, a cost not to exceed $1,500.00 and set a,publlC hearlngfor the modlflcatlon and . extensi'on of the plan. M~otion carried',,' - , ' A motion was made by Sanders and seconded bY' Bryan,t to approve the form of the contract for police protection between the Yelm School District #" 2 and the Town of YeL7Jl and to instrllct the Mayor and Clerk to s{gn the contract and present it to the School for the appropriate signatures. M'otion carried. A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Bryant to purchase the 1978 Ford Fairmont offered by Ruddell Lease 'Sales, Port Angeles. Motion carried. , 'I' I I 165 A motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Sanders to purciase batteries for the Town portable radio used by Don Barnardo Motion carrie;. d. \ . th t. t A motion l'!a's made by: Bryant and seconded by Sanders to a JO rn e mee~ng a 9 ::JO PM'. 'Motion ~arried.~ Attest:, . . - "\\ \' . . ,J'-;;::/' 9 '"' ,~) . /,;'/w-~- ~ ~d' 'Rogef("" Eide": Clerk-Treasurer ," Special Meeting October 29, .1979 I The Special Meeting was called toroDder by Mayor Coates at 4: 0 PM with the following 'Councilm~n present:: 'Lawton, Drogseth and 'Sanders. 'isitors included Bill Ruddell .and Ted ,Schultz. Amotion Was made by Lawton to approve the revision of the re trictive covenants on page two (2) of the Plat of View Royale so s~ptic systems lay be insta11ed on ~ndividual lots as required by the Thurston County Department. The motion'was duly seconded by Sanders and passed vote of the CounciL. A meti.on was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders to at 4:-40 PM. Motion carried. 'r t1~ Attest.;: ~~~. Roger El?e, tlerk-Treasurer 166 November lU, 1979, The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7 :30 PM ~ttf~the followi;ng "Councilmen present:; Brown, Sanders, 'Lawton, Bryant, and Drogseth. Visitors present included James Olsen, Mr.., & Mrs. Gordon 'Kampfer ~Lyla Eide, Evelyn Southworth, Dan Wheat, Ken Smith, Bob Isom, William Ruddell, Robert Jansen, Penny & Dale Richardson, Jim Brown, Terry Gould, ~ Fred VanCamp", Don Miller, Pat Byrne, John Carpenter and Donna Robinson. ' A motion to approve the minutes of . the October 10th and 29th meetings was made ,'by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth and passed by a unanImous vote. o A motion wassmade by Brown and seconded by Lawton to allow the following vouchers: Current Vou # 5472 ... 5528 $12,876.98 Water # 1279... 1285 1,134.,59 City Street 627 - 631 2,290.68 Garbage 921 - 931 ?,642042 Motion carried. A zone change request submitted by Ron Peck was discussed and the public hearing scheduled for the December 12 meeting. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Peck. ,.Bob Isom appear;ec!hi~"before the Council st'ating that he felt the Council should amend section l3c04.270 of the Municipal Code requiring c'onsumer deposits. Mr. Isom said he felt that the consumer should have ~his deposit refUnded after establishing a record of good pay. No action was taken. ' Gordon Kampfer applied for a variance ,to construct a marque,~~over the sidewalk in front of his store. A Kotion was made by Bryant and seconded by Brown to allow the variance. Motion : carri ed,. ' A motion to 'adopt Ordinance # 234'uAN ORDINANCE relating to the conduct of various businesses and occupations within the Town of Ye1m; providing for and levying a tax or license fee upon certain income derived from the conduct of certain businesses and occupations; providing for the collection of such tax and lecense fees; ,providing p~nalties for failure to timely 0' p,y such tax and license fees; and repealing Town of Ye1m Ordinances # 96 and 157 and Chapter 5.04 and Chapter 5.08 of the Ye1m MUnicipal COde,tt was made by Bryant, seconded by Sanders and passed by a unanimous vote of the Council. Pat Byrne reported on a meeting Hi th Mike Edwards w,herein Edwards was interested in deed... ing a well and well site to the Town for the water system. Byrne recommended the Town enter into an agreement with Edw~rds to share in the cost of testing the well. A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth to propose to F~wardsthe Town would pqy 50% of the cost. Motion carried, with Bryant voting "No". ' The hearing for the Six Year street Plan was called by Mayor Coate~. The Engineer ,explained that the plan was not yet completed., M'ayor Coates asked if anyone had any comme...nts on the plan. The meeting was continued until December 12th meeting of the Council. concerning Mayor Coates appointed Bryant and Brown to a committee to discuss problems )~th the sidewalk in front of Wolf's Shopping Centero The Library Report was read by Mayor Coates. Mr. Smith from Thurston County communications presented the u'911 Emergency Phone System" to the COtnlcilc' He explained the advantages, easy dialing, improved response time, etc4t' to the Council. The cost of this service to the Town would be approximately $2,500.00 per year A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Brown to purchase the necessary equipment to make fire hydrant f~~ tests. Motion carried. 0" -, ' A letter was read from Ron Taber requesting his deposit for the construction of McKenzie street from' Solberg to 'Longmire be refunded. Recommendations from Pat Byrne stated th-at the paving radius should be 25'feet and smnce the street does not meet the standards, the Town should not return the deposit until these deficiencies are corrected. A motion to adopt the Engineer's recommendation was made by Bryant, seconded by Lawton and passed by unanimous vote. ' A motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Sanders to Motion carried. Attest :; ~ ~& ,r" ~-----./t ~ R' er ide, Clerk-Treasure~ the meeting at /27 ~ C /-tu/ -?'--/ Mayor 11:10 PM. \ ) i 167 " \.... December 12, 1979 :1 . The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Ye1m was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7 :30 P11 with the following Councilmen present: Brown, Bryant,'awton, Sanders and Drogseth. "Visitors included David Gillespie, Fred Kolilis, Don K!lilis, Mike Jackson, Ed "White, Lyla Eide, Ron Peck, Dale Richardson, PenQY Richardson, Telry Gould, Orville French, Albert McMonigle, Michael Nordquist, Bill'Newcomer, John Carpentel, Jim Wainscott, Pat Byrne, Gene Coulter, Jim Brown, Marj Eide. , ' I Mayor Coates opened the public meeting for a rezone request from ired Kolilis and Ron Peck. Mr. Peck and Mr. Kolilis spoke in favor of the rezone~ No cornmen s were made against by the audience. A motion was made 'by Bryant and seconded by Sander' to adopt Ordinance #235 I ItAN ORDINM1CE providing for a change in the zoning and classifica;ion of certain real prop?r withifu the Town of Ye1m.1t Motion carried with a unanimous vote 0 the Council. ~ , A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton to approve tie minutes of the November 14,1979 meeting and passed by a unanimous vote. I A motion was made by Bryant and seconded by Drogseth to approve t e following vouchers~ Current 5529 5604 $21,100.33 'Water 1286 - 1293 1,163.29 Garbage 632 - 640 2,971.99 City street 932 - 944 2,421.95 Motion carried. The Six Year street Plan was discussed by the Council and the Eng neer. The Council determined they would like to study the plan further before adopt Ing it. The Clerk was instructed to notify George Tyler, Engineer for Vie I Royale, th~the developers of View -Royale would be required to install Thurston C lunty regulation signs on steel posts in their development. I The Thurston County Health Department contract was discussed, with the Council instructing attorney Schultz to resolve some of the differences with the Heal h Department. The library report was read by Mayor Coates. A total of 638 libr lry patrons checked out 3187 items during the month, up from 2679 in .November of last"yea I. Pre-school and Head- start classes visited the Library as well as grade school classes I Films, stories and C&ii!lldren's Book Week were apart of the activities at the Library (juring" the month. the Nisqually Valley plans to be sub- A request for a wate:r line extension om 103rd Ave. SE 'was receive Veteran's Building Association. The proponents were instructed t mitted to the Town Engineer for his approval. A motion to accept a bid of $53.50 for cleaning the City Hall by Bryant, seconded by Brown and passed with a unaniW-ous vote of the Council. I A last and final offer was made by ,the CO>>ncil to Local 461 consisring of an increase of .085% on laguanyl, 1980 and .08% on July,l, 1980 for the Sargeant, I nd .068$ increase on January 1, 1980 and .62% on July 1, 1980 for the Juvenile/lnvesti tor. The Union Repre- sentative took the proposal to the members where it was rejected. The union will now ask for mediation. A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Lawton to adjourn the meeting to December 19, 1979 at 7:30 PM. Motion carried. December 19, 1979 I The adj ourned meeting was called to order a;b' 7: ::)0 PM. first- order of business was to elect a'Mayor Pro~tem. Motion was made by Brown and seconded by D ogseth to elect Cliff Bryant. . I C9Ullcilmen present were Brown, Bryant, Sanders and Drogseth, also resent were the following visitors: Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Kampfer, 'Lyla Eide, T. Wain Icott, Robert Jansen, William Ruddell, David Gillespie, Charles Cowell and Mike Jackson. I ' A motion was ~ade by Brown to clarify the variance granted to Gord n Kampfer, allowing for the posts supporting the marque of his store to be placed with06 the 10 foot setback required on Yelm Avenue. The motion was' seconded by Sanders and p ssed by a unanimous vo te. A motion was made by Sanders and seconded by Drogseth to table the proposed 6 year smneet plan until the January meeting. Motion carried. 168 A motion.was made to adgpt Resolution # 142 providing for the bansfer of $3,500.00 from the City Street Fund to the Current' EXpense Fundo Motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders and passed by a u~animous vote. ,. , A motion to adopt Ordinance # 236 uAN ORDINANCE amending Town of Ye1m Ordinance'# 226, as amended by Town of Yelm Ordinance #230, and the Town of Yelm Budget for:the calendar year 1979 adopted thereby," was made by Sal1ders and seconded by Drogseth and passed ' by a unanllimous vote of the Council. - , A motion was made ,by Brown to adopt Ordinance # 237, "AN ORDINANCE approving and adopt- ing the Town of Ye1m Budget for the calendar year 1980~'n seconded by San~ers and passeS! 0' by a unanimous vote. There being no further business, a motion was made bY; S~ders>and seconded by Brown to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM. Motion passed. Attest: & I Roger Eide, Clerk-Treasurer o o