02-23-05 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2005 Call to Order . Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 1. Roll Call . Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom and Pat Fetterly 2. Excused: Ron Harding Agenda Approval 3. 05 – 18 MOTION BY JOE BAKER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations – None Scheduled 4. Public Comment - There was no response to the call for comments. 5. Consent Agenda 6. a. Council Minutes: 1) February 3, 2005 Council Retreat Minutes 2) February 9, 2005 Regular Council Meeting Minutes b. Payables: Checks 24514 - 24586, totaling $151,264.28. 1) Manual Checks 24514 - 24528, totaling $670.00 2) Claims Checks 24529 - 24586, totaling $150,594.28 c. Payroll: Preliminary February 2005 d. Park Use Requests 1) CMP, 9/10/05, Vanderhoof/Yaneey Wedding, 12-3:30, 150-200 th 2) YCP, 6/18/05, Chappell 79 B-Day Party, 11-3, 50-60 attending 3) YCP, 3/26/05, Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt, 8-2, 100 + attending 4) YCP, 8/27/05, Keystone Masonry Picnic, 12-8, 150 attending e. Financial Report: January 2005 End of Month 05 – 19 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WITH A REDUCED CMP EVENT ATTENDANCE REDUCTION NOTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s ) – None Scheduled 7. New Business 8. a. Yelm Planning Commission Appointment – Mayor Rivas reported that interviews were conducted with the top Planning Commission candidates on February 10. The interview team, consisting of Councilmember Baker, Planning Commission Chair John Thompson and the mayor reached consensus to appoint Mr. Carlos Perez to the Yelm Planning Commission. Council confirmation of the appointment was requested. Councilmember Baker added that the city was fortunate to have superior candidates apply for this position, and that the candidates should be commended for their interest and willingness to volunteer their time and energy. 05 - 20 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF CARLOS PEREZ TO THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. Old Business 9. Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 2 ab/city council/minutes/2005/02-23-05 a. Nisqually WIRA 11 Watershed Plan Implementation Memorandum of Agreement. Mayor Rivas called for a staff report. Shelly Badger reported that the watershed planning partners work unit has been meeting since 1999 determining needs and planning for managing the use of water within the WIRA. The resulting Nisqually Watershed Management Plan has been unanimously approved by Thurston, Lewis and Pierce counties. The next phase is the implementation process addressed in this agreement. Discussion concerned members serving on more than one WIRA and the positive leadership provided by the Nisqually Tribe. 05 - 21 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE NISQUALLY WRIA 11 WATERSHED PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PHASE. CARRIED. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business 10. Councilmember Fetterly served on the Nisqually River Council Nominating Committee. Councilmember Baker attended an IT Orientation and reported plans for 19 new bus stop shelters and 7 shuttles. Councilmember Miller attended the Red Wind Casino opening. Executive Session – None Scheduled 11. Correspondence reviewed included a TRPC Pre-agenda for the March meeting. 12. Adjourn : 7:48 13. _______________________________________ Adam Rivas, Mayor Attest: _______________________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 2 ab/city council/minutes/2005/02-23-05