01-12-05 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2005 Call to Order 1. . Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call 2. . Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Bob Isom was excused 3. Agenda Approval 05 – 01 MOTION BY JOE BAKER, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations 4. – None 5. Public Comment Roberta Longmire questioned information she received at a pre-submission conference concerning improvements necessary for commercial/office use of property located at 309 Yelm Ave. W. She also questioned information she received in a letter dated November 7, 2004 from Larry Hanson, Yelm Community Development Department. Mrs. Longmire believes that the information in the letter is in error and requested that the letter be corrected. Mayor Rivas indicated that he would have staff follow-up on the matter and determine what action might be appropriate. 6. Consent Agenda a. Council Minutes – December 8, 2004 b. Payables: Checks 24102-24305 totaling $316,181.95 1) Manual Checks 24102-24150 totaling $13,405.78 2) Claims Checks 24151-24305 totaling $302,776.17 c. Payroll - Final December 2004, checks 8793-8892 totaling $186,307.14 d. Park Use Requests 1) YCP, 4/29/05, Tree Advisory Board Arbor Day, 10-3, 50+/- attending 2) YCP, 5/13-5/14/05, Christian Crusaders Gospel Concert, 12-3, 100-300 3) YCP, 7/23/05, Pastors/Churches Family Fun Day, 9-6, 200-300 05 - 02 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing - 7. Assessment Reimbursement Contract for Mountain View Rd. Water and Sewer Improvements. Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 4 ab/city council/2005/01/12-05 Mayor Rivas opened the public hearing at 7:44 p.m. and called for a staff report. Tami Merriman stated that the ordinances and contracts would provide a reimbursement opportunity to Project Fore, on a pro rata basis, allowing them to recover a portion of water and sewer facilities installation costs along Mountain View Rd. A staff review of the cost found the apportionment method to be correct and fair. The agreement would be in effect for no longer than 15 years. The City would collect 10% of the reimbursed amount to recover administrative costs. Mayor Rivas called for Council questions/comments. Discussion concerned how the assessment is determined. Mayor Rivas called for public questions/comments. Mrs. Tuininga, a Mountain View Road resident, addressed a number of issues including noticing requirements, state law governing assessments, construction contracts process, and term of assessment. She submitted written comments for the record. Staff clarified that Mrs. Tuininga’s information cited the Revised Code of Washington chapter addressing Local Improvement Districts requirements instead of the chapter applicable to Assessment Reimbursement Contracts (Latecomer Agreements). Mrs. Tuininga also commented on development, traffic and water impacts and feels that those who benefit from development should pay costs and that neighbors should be brought in earlier in the process. Nick Tuininga, Mountain View Road, questions concerning legal notification can be researched in the Yelm Municipal Code which is available at the City’s web site. He also questioned circumstances under which connection to water/sewer would be compelled. Mayor Rivas responded that the Thurston Co. Health Dept. would make a notification following a failed system, and that property development would also trigger the requirement. Being no additional comment, Mayor Rivas closed the public hearing at 8:08 p.m. a. Ordinance 824 – Mountain View Road Water Assessment Reimbursement Contract. Tami Merriman reported that approval would authorize Mayor Rivas to enter into the contract. Council discussion concerned impacts of tabling this decision to the next meeting while permitting time to address all questions raised during the public hearing. b. Ordinance 825 - Mountain View Rd. Sewer Assessment Reimbursement Contract.Tami Merriman reported that approval would authorize Mayor Rivas to enter into a contract. 05-03 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TABLING AGENDA ITEM 7. a. ORDINANCE 824 AND THE WATER ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT AND Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 4 ab/city council/2005/01/12-05 AGENDA ITEM 7. b. ORDINANCE 825 AND THE SEWER ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT TO THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. 8. New Business a. Annexation Petition Request, Yelm Ave./Morris Road. Tami Merriman reported that the applicants Howard Alexander and Leo Lefebvre have requested approval to petition for annexation utilizing the petition method as permitted by state law. The proposal is for a 10,467 square foot strip of property owned by Mr. Alexander that borders Mr. Lefebvre’s property line. 05 -04 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY ACCEPTING THE REQUEST TO PETITION FOR ANNEXATION FOR THE PROPOSED AREA UTILIZING THE PETITION METHOD OF ANNEXATION AND REQUIRING THE AREA TO ASSUME ITS SHARE OF EXISTING CITY INDEBTEDNESS AND DESIGNATING THE ANNEXED PARCEL AS COMMERCIAL (C-1). CARRIED. b. Street Latecomers Agreement, Yelm Community Schools. Grant Beck reported that as part of the high school expansion project Yelm Community rd Schools (YCS) is required to improve Yelm Ave. W. from 93 Ave. to a point 200’ east of the eastern high school entrance, including a turn lane portion, but only for the high school side of the street. Twin County Credit Union’s existing improvements deferral is being called in and the City is contributing $130,000 of TFC to the project. YCS applied for an Assessment Reimbursement (Latecomers) Contract (Public Hearing and Ordinance required) to recover a portion of improvement costs. However an evaluation of the project to determine benefit to other properties was difficult as this is half a road project which could become a throw away when the other side of the road develops. In that event, the project would have no benefit to anyone other than pedestrians using the new sidewalks. YCS has been made aware of this development and decided not to attend tonight’s meeting. Council action is required as an application for a Latecomers Agreement triggers an ordinance preparation process. 05-05 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY TO NOT DECLARE THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS TO WEST YELM AVE. ARE A PRE-REQUISITE FOR OTHERS TO DEVELOP. CARRIED. Old Business 9. – None 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business Councilmember Harding attended a TRPC Transportation Policy Board Yelm City Council Minutes Page 3 of 4 ab/city council/2005/01/12-05 meeting and an Intercity Transit Citizen Work Group meeting. Councilmember Baker reported that the SWAC meeting was cancelled and that he attended the Senior Center Board meeting. Councilmember Baker also requested that the date of the retreat be changed, as he and Councilmember Isom will be out of state. Mayor Rivas indicated that Councilmember Harding had requested that the retreat be held as early as possible in the year and that all had agreed to the January date. There was discussionconcerning availability with Councilmember Miller indicating that he would be unable to attend in February and Councilmember Fetterly adding that business activity increases greatly for her beginning in February making that a difficult time for her to attend. Mayor Rivas also had a schedule conflict. Staff was requested to select and confirm dates and reschedule the retreat. Executive Session – N 11. one Correspondence 12. - was available for viewing Adjourn 13. : 8:48 p.m. _______________________________________ Adam Rivas, Mayor Attest: _______________________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Page 4 of 4 ab/city council/2005/01/12-05