01 23 2018 Updated Packet AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING E TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2018 6:00 P.M. Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated d resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments. Call to Order - 1. Roll Call - 2. Agenda Approval - ACTION 3. Special Presentations 4. Association of Washington Cities recognized Representative Andrew Barkis as the 2017 AWC City Champion award winner Public Comment - 5. the meeting recorder. NOT For items on the agenda, comments will be welcomed at this time. For items on the agenda, comments will be welcomed at the schedu of that agenda item. Consent Agenda:ACTION 6. Minutes: a. Regular meeting minutes January 9, 2018. Payables: b. Checks #70141 - #70252 Totaling $2,541,595.83. Public Hearing 7. none scheduled Resolution No. 583, Support for Yelm Community Schools Bond ACTION 8 a. To Rebuild and Renovate Schools and Improve Public Safety, Proposition 1, Resolution 03-17-18 Presenter: City Administrator, Michael Grayum Attachments: Resolution No. 583 Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility ACTION b. Rate Reductions Presenter: Finance Director, Joe Wolfe Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1024 Ordinance No. 1026, Amending Chapters 13.08 and 13.04 to Allow the ACTION c. Amortization of System Development Charges Presenter: Community Development Director, Grant Beck Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1026 Ordinance No. 1041, Fats, Oil, and Grease Control Plans ACTION d. Presenter: Public Works Director, Chad Bedlington Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1041 Killion Road LID Banking Signature Authorization Resolution ACTION e. Presenter: Finance Director, Joe Wolfe Attachments: Staff Report, Financial Signature Resolution Old Business: none scheduled. 9. Department Updates by City Administrator, Michael Grayum 10. Council and Mayor - 11. Councilmember Curry represents Yelm on the following committees: Thurston County Solid Waste Yelm Finance Department Advisory Committee (SWAC) Committee Yelm Public Safety Committee Authority Liaison Councilmember Carmody represents Yelm on the following committees: Intercity Transit Board Yelm Finance Department Committee Yelm Community & Economic Development Committee Nisqually River Council Councilmember Colt represents Yelm on the following committees: Yelm Community & Economic Development Committee Councilmember Stillwell represents Yelm on the following committees: Thurston County EDC Board Yelm Finance Department Committee Yelm Public Safety Committee Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees: Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Public Works Committee Transportation Council (TRPC) TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember DePinto represents Yelm on the following committees: Thurston County Law and South Thurston Economic Justice Development Initiative group Yelm Public Safety Committee (STEDI) Yelm Community & Economic Development Committee Councilmember Kaminski represents Yelm on the following committees: Thurston County EMS-Medic Yelm Emergency Operations OneBoard Yelm Public Works Committee Mayor Foster represents Yelm on the following committees: Yelm Community & Economic Yelm Finance Department Development CommitteeCommittee Yelm Public Works Committee Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Emergency Operations CouncilBoard South Sound Military and Community Investment Community PartnershipPartnership (CIP) Executive Session 12. none scheduled Correspondence - (Correspondence is available upon request). 13. Adjourn - 14. Upcoming Meetings: Study Session Meeting, Tuesday, February 6, 2018, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Special meeting Required Open Public Meeting Act & Public Records Act training Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 3:30 pm, Public Safety Building Trai City Council Meeting, Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5. information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with s time per speaker is limited to three (3) minutes and the number of speakers is limited to five (5). Public Comments related to items not on the agenda will be welcomed during the Public Comment period. Public Comments related to items on the agenda, will be agenda item. disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodati in government processes or activities, please contact Lori Mossman, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provid employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are availabl www.yelmwa.gov. For information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Titlehis link: http://www.ci.yelm.wa.us/human-resources/. YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2018 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1.Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Clerk, Lori Mossman swore JW Foster in for a four-year term as the City of Yelm Mayor. Mayor JW Foster swore Terry Kaminski in for a four-year term as Councilmember #7. Mayor JW Foster swore Tracey Wood in for a four-year term as Councilmember #5. Mayor JW Foster swore Tad Stillwell in for a four-year term as Councilmember #4. Mayor JW Foster swore Cody Colt in for a four-year term as Councilmember #3. 2.Roll Call Present:EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 3. Agenda Approval 18-001 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. MOTION CARRIED. 4.SpecialPresentations- December Student of the Month Kaylee Logan Mayor Foster read the Graduate Yelm! Proclamation 5. Public Comment- Connie Ihringer asked about the Dump Station and when it would be open to the public again. Bob Sternoff owns property in Yelm and is concerned with the zoning and Economic Development of Yelm. Sandra Manwiller spoke in support of the Yelm School Bond. 6.Consent Agenda a. Minutes Regular meeting December 12, 2017 & Study Session minutes December 5, 2017. b. Payables 18-002 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing none scheduled 8. New Business a. Ordinance No. 1039, Creating the Information Technology Fund 18-003 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1039, CREATING THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND; THIS AMENDMENT CREATES THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND IN THE CITY TREASURY. SECONCED BY MOLLY CARMODY. MOTION CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 1040, 2018 Budget Amendment 18-004 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1040, WHICH MOVES APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL AND UTILITY OPERATING FUNDS TO THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND. SECONCED BY CODY COLT. MOTION CARRIED. 1-9-18 c. Selection of Mayor Pro-Tem 18-005 MOTION BY EJ CURRY TO NOMINATE TRACEY WOOD FOR MAYOR PRO- TEM. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. MOTION BY CODY COLT TO NOMINATE JOE DEPINTO FOR MAYOR PRO-TEM. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. ROLL CALL VOTE: EJ CURRY-TRACEY WOOD, MOLLY CARMODY-JOE DEPINTO, CODY COLT-JOE DEPINTO, TAD STILLWELL- TRACEY WOOD, TRACEY WOOD-TRACEY WOOD, JOE DEPINTO-JOE DEPINTO, TERRY KAMINSKI-TRACEY WOOD. TRACEY WOOD HAS BEEN SELECTED AS MAYOR PRO-TEM. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business none scheduled 10. Department Updates by Department Heads- Public Works Director, Chad Bedlington reminded Council of the upcoming Open House on January 16, from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm at the Yelm Community Center for the Splash Park/Playground and the Hazardous Mitigation Plan. Chad stated that Jared Swanson has been hired as Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator. Finance Director Joe Wolfe stated that Grace Friberg has been hired as Utility Billing Clerk. Community Development Director Grant Beck stated that Joe Rivera has been hired as the Computer Support Specialist. 11. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Curry attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) and the Yelm Adult Community Center meetings. Councilmember Carmody attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting. Councilmember Stillwell state Councilmember DePinto attended the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Group (STEDI). Councilmember DePinto would like to vote on Proclamations that are on the agenda. Mayor Foster attended the Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting and the Community Investment Partnership (CIP) meetings and attended Councilmember Comm meeting. Mayor Foster handed out Council Committee Assignment sheets and would like to hear from Council about which committees that they would like to attend. 12.Executive Session none scheduled 13. Correspondence included 18-006 MOTION BY TERRY KAMINSKI TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. MOTION CARRIED. 14. Adjourned 7:05 pm. 8765 __________________________ Attest: _________________________ JW Foster, Mayor Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.ci.yelm.wa.us. 1-9-18 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of checks approved for payment at Tuesday, January 23rd council: Payroll January 5th Payroll $ 187,260.90 Payroll January 19th Draw $ 25,484.37 Payroll A/P Checks, EFTs, & Drafts $ 222,008.06 A/P Checks, EFTs, & Drafts$ 291,791.55 Utility Refunds$ 2,064.80 LID Principle Payment Wire$ 1,812,986.15 TOTAL$ 2,541,595.83 Check number 70141 through check number 70252 Check dates 12/22/2017 through 1/19/2018 ____________________________ /_______________________________/________________________________ Mayor Council member Council member ____________________________/________________________________/________________________________ Council member Council member Council member ____________________________/_______________________________ Council member Council member CITY CLERK:___________________________________________ ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by______________________________________________at a regular council meeting held this 23rd day of January 2018. C ITY OF RN ESOLUTION UMBER SUPPORT FOR THE YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TO REBUILD AND RENOVATE SCHOOLS AND IMPROVE PUBLIC SAFETY, PROPOSITION 1, RESOLUTION 03-17-18 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Yelm Community Schools has approved a bond measure to the voters of the district, which boundaries include the City of Yelm; and WHEREAS, the bond measure would provide funding to rebuild Yelm Middle School, which is currently at 157% capacity, rebuild Southworth Elementary, which is currently at 167% capacity, renovate Prairie Elementary, which is currently at 112% capacity, and provide safety and security measures throughout the district; and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan updated by the City Council in 2017 includes many goals and policies which support education throughout the community; and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm is a partner with Yelm Community Schools in the Graduate Yelm! program; and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm benefits directly from partnerships with Yelm Community Schools through the FFA program, the Career and Technical Education program, and many other direct and indirect relationships; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes the proposed Bond measure is necessary to ensure Yelm Community Schools continues to be a leader in preparing our children for the future; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Yelm that Yelm voters are encouraged to support the February 13, 2018 bond measure by voting yes. rd APPROVED this 23day of January, 2018. JW Foster, Mayor ATTEST: Lori Mossman, City Clerk Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions Page 1 of 9 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Joseph Wolfe, Finance Director Yelm City Council Finance Committee Date: January 16, 2018 (for January 23rd City Council Meeting) Subj: New Chapter of the Yelm Municipal Code Utility Rates for Senior Citizens and Permanently Disabled Heads of Household Recommendation Adopt Ordinance 1024 Repealing Sections 13.04.300 and 13.04.310 and creating a new c of the Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 13.14, relating to Senior and Disabled Utility Rates. Background Currently, YMC expressly authorizes utility rate reductions for codes do not expressly authorize rate reductions for sewer or st The statutory authority to reduce rates for senior citizens and heads of household only exists in 13.04.300 YMC, relating to mun Municipal water rates for senior citizens and permanently disabl are set in the water rate tables established under 13.04.250 YMC Sewer rates for senior citizens and permanently disabled heads o the sewer rate tables established under 13.08.095 YMC. Stormwater utility rates are not currently reduced for senior ci disabled heads of household. The current structure of the rate reductions creates a situation and Sewer Funds bear an inordinate amount of the senior and perm reduction. The City Council Finance Committee evaluated several scenarios to determine the best method for reducing Senior Citiz Heads of Household utility rates. The criteria for selection inc Funds, no adverse financial impact to Senior Citizens or Permane Household Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions Page 2 of 9 The following table details the various scenarios that the Finan including new impact: Recommended Amount Paid @ 25% @ 50% Senior Discount & BaseCurrent Senior DiscountSenior Discount@ 35% Senior Discount @ 50% Senior Discountwaive Stormwater Water$ -$ 25.61$ 22.20$ 17.08$ 17.08 $ 3 4.15 Sewer$ 48.42$ 48.42$ 41.96$ 32.28$ 32.28 $ 6 4.56 Storm$ 3.38$ 5.06$ 4.39$ 3.38 $ 6.75 Total Bill$ 51.80$ 79.10$ 68.55$ 52.73$ 49.36 $ 105.46 Net Effect 81$ 4,346.87$ 2,135.57$ 2,989.79$ 4,271.13$ 4,544.51 Current Situation Yelm currently has 81 utility accounts that qualify for our Seni Head of Household rate reductions. This saves our senior and dis $51.80/month, with a net effect of approximately $4,300/month on ordinance authorizes senior and disabled reductions across all u simplifying municipal code and equitably distributing the discou that support our utilities. Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions Page 3 of 9 CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1024 AN ORDINANCE repealing sections of Yelm Municipal Code Title 13. section establishing Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Uti WHEREAS, utility customers in the Yelm Service area would benefi Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions. WHEREAS, Resolution 542 established the methodology for setting citizens and permanently disabled heads of household; and WHEREAS, the City would benefit from operational efficiencies by written policy directing the execution of the income level adjus matter of management and routine operations; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 13.04.300 Yelm Municipal Code is hereby repealed in its Section 2. Section 13.04.310 Yelm Municipal Code is hereby repealed in it Section 3. Section 13.04.250 of the Yelm Municipal Code is hereby amended A. Monthly Base Rate Changes. The monthly base rate charges for a consumers will be: 2018 Rate Table Meter Size Meter Charge 5/8 inch (Typical Residential) $34.15 1 inch $85.37 1-1/2 inch $170.73 2 inch $273.16 3 inch $546.33 4 inch $853.63 6 inch $853.63 5/8 inch (Outside City Limits) $55.87 Senior $0.00 Irrigation Meter $34.15 Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions Page 4 of 9 Reclaimed Irrigation Meter $34.15 2019 Rate Table Meter Size Meter Charge 5/8 inch (Typical Residential) $35.85 1 inch $89.63 1-1/2 inch $179.27 2 inch $286.82 3 inch $573.64 4 inch $896.31 6 inch $896.31 5/8 inch (Outside City Limits) $58.66 Senior $0.00 Irrigation Meter $35.85 Reclaimed Irrigation Meter $35.85 2020 Rate Table Meter Size Meter Charge 5/8 inch (Typical Residential) $37.47 1 inch $93.67 1-1/2 inch $187.33 2 inch $299.72 3 inch $599.46 4 inch $936.64 6 inch $936.64 5/8 inch (Outside City Limits) $61.30 Senior $0.00 Irrigation Meter $37.47 Reclaimed Irrigation Meter $37.47 Unless otherwise abrogated by the city council, beginning Janua 2021, and each year thereafter, the water utility base rates lev shall continue with an annual adjustment each year in January by inflationary factor tied to the Consumer Price Index, All Urban (CPI-U), Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue index. The inflationary factor calculated and rates shall be adjusted by the finance director i Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions Page 5 of 9 September of each year using 12 prior months of Consumer Price I data. B. Monthly Consumption Charges. The monthly consumption charges fo commercial, residential and irrigation meters will be: Water Usage (Cubic Feet) 2018 Rate Table Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 0-800 801-1800 1801-2800 2800+ Residential (units in ccf) $3.89 $5.83 $9.33 $15.20 Commercial (units in ccf) $8.58 Irrigation (units in ccf) $13.89 Water Usage (Cubic Feet) 2019 Rate Table Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 0-800 801-1800 1801-2800 2800+ Residential (units in ccf) $4.08 $6.12 $9.80 $15.96 Commercial (units in ccf) $9.01 Irrigation (units in ccf) $14.59 Water Usage (Cubic Feet) 2020 Rate Table Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 0-800 801-1800 1801-2800 2800+ Residential (units in ccf) $4.27 $6.40 $10.24 $16.68 Commercial (units in ccf) $9.41 Irrigation (units in ccf) $15.24 Unless otherwise abrogated by the city council, beginning Janua 2021, and each year thereafter, the water utility consumption c levied in 2020 shall continue with an annual adjustment each ye January by an inflationary factor tied to the Consumer Price Ind Urban Consumers (CPI-U), Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue index. The inflationary factor shall be calculated and rates shall be adju finance director in September of each year using 12 prior months Consumer Price Index data. C. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems. All buildings with an automat sprinkler system connected to the city water distribution system Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions Page 6 of 9 the ready-to-serve charge based on the pipe size as substituted for equal meter size in the rate schedule. No water shall be used through connections or sprinkler system except for actual fire control. consumer is found using water through an unmetered special fire sprinkler service connection for other than fire protection, the such connection shall be equipped with a conventional-type meter expense of the property owner. D. Outside City Corporate Limits. Charges for the use of water outsid corporate limits of the city shall be the meter rate identified E. Temporary Water Service. Temporary water service for constructi any building, street, utility or similar project shall be provid identified in the rate schedule in subsection A or B of this sec dependent upon location of project. A construction meter shall b required and application shall be made at the office of the publ director identifying location and reason for use of water. A dep $800.00 for each construction meter shall be collected. Upon completion of the project, return of construction meter an charges for consumed water paid for, return of deposit shall be consumer. Section 4. Section 13.08.095 Yelm Municipal Code is hereby amended as fol A charge for sanitary sewage disposal shall be levied against al premises connected to a sewer line at the rate established by th as amended hereafter. A. Sewer Charge. There is established and charged a monthly sewer be collected by the city using the following procedures and rate B. Definitions. ential unit. determined by that quantity of flow associated with a single res household, defined as follows: 1. ERU measurement shall be an equivalent flow of 875 cubic feet, less, per month, based on water meter in-flow, or sewer effluent Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions Page 7 of 9 meter when installed by owner with approval of the Yelm sewer department. 2. With respect to each residential structure, the number of ERUs . Table 1 Type of Unit No. ERUs Base Flow Single-family residence 1.00 875cf Duplex dwelling unit 1.00 875cf Triplex dwelling unit 0.90 788cf Fourplex dwelling unit 0.80 700cf Residential structures > four units 0.75 657cf 3. With respect to uses other than residential, one ERU shall b designated for each 875 cubic feet of water consumed per month o sewage discharged as measured at source; provided, that for volumes in excess of 875 cubic feet per month, the service charg shall be computed at the rate established on Table 2. 4. With respect to accounts consisting of both residential and nonresidential uses, or combination thereof, the residential use shall be charged as in Table 2 of this section and each nonresid connection shall be charged an additional ERU plus a charge, as established in subsection C of this section, for each cubic foot over the base flow. retired and is below the median income as established by the cit C. Sewer Rates and Structure. The sewer rate for the city is es per the rates as identified in Table 2. Table 2 Established Sewer Rate per Unit Years 2018 to 2020 Private Electrical Meter City-Owned Table 2 - 2018 Rates Electrical Meter With Meter No Meter Type of Unit Senior Senior Senior one single-family one tank 64.56 48.41 63.97 47.98 64.56 48.41 Two single-family one tank 64.56 48.41 63.38 47.53 64.56 48.41 Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions Page 8 of 9 Three single-family one tank 64.56 48.41 62.78 47.09 64.56 48.41 Duplex unit 64.56 48.41 63.38 47.53 64.56 48.41 Triplex unit 58.10 43.58 57.51 43.13 58.10 43.58 Fourplex units 51.65 38.74 51.05 38.30 51.65 38.74 Residential with more than 48.41 four units Nonresidential Units $64.56 + 0.0717 per cubic foot for flow in excess of 875 cubic feet per month D. Payment of Sewer Bills. The rates, fees and/or charges shall be payable at the office of the city clerk/treasurer for the city, fifteenth day of the month following use of payments not paid as specified herein shall be considered delinq E. Application for Service. Sewer customers shall be required to c an application for utility service and provide photo identificat city cler on their application. Section 5. A new chapter of the Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 13.14 Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions, is created as 13.14.010 Rate reduction Established. From and after March 1, 2018, the monthly base utility charges f sanitary sewer, stormwater and surface water of any utility subs city meeting the eligibility and qualification requirements of t be reduced by 50% (fifty percent). 13.14.020 Rate reduction Eligibility. A. To be eligible for the water service charge reduction in this Ca subscriber shall: 1. Be a single person, 65 years of age or older, who is retired income from all sources whatsoever does not exceed the median income as established in this section; 2. Be a couple where one partner is 65 years of age or older, wh income from all sources whatsoever combined with the income of the partners does not exceed the median income as established in this section; or Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions Page 9 of 9 3. Be a permanently disabled head of household whose income from sources whatsoever does not exceed the median income as established in this section. B. Median income is the most current wÒ©­·š“ /šÒ“·ä Ý;©ä ŒšÞz“-š’; EzmÒ©;­ as established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. C. I income such as dividends and interest, capital gains, benefits, security benefits, pensions, disability payments, retirement pay and annuities, but does not include reimbursement for losses. Section 7. If any provision of this Ordinance or its application to any per is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or the applicati persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 8. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its pass publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of Yelm this 23rd day of January, 201 JW Foster, Mayor Authenticated: Lori Mossman, City Clerk/HR Director PUBLISHED: February 2, 2018 Nisqually Valley News, EFFECTIVE DATE: February 7, 2018 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director Grant Beck, Planning & Economic Development Director Date:January 12, 2018 (for January 23rd City Council Meeting) Subj: Updates to the Water and Sewer Code Recommendation Adopt Ordinance 1026 amending Chapters 13.08 (Sewer System) and 13.04 (Water System) allow the amortization of system development charges in certain Background The Planning & Economic Development Department has been developing, along with the Thurston Economic Development Council, a Strategic Plan for Econ steps in this process were two meetings with the business commun Community Center to hear their concerns, questions, and suggestions. These forums form the basis of the Economic Development Strategy that the Thurston EDC being reviewed and formatted by the P&ED Department before the C February study session. One of the suggestions we heard at the forums, and also is a new Plan update adopted last year, was to allow small businesses to charges in order to lower the cost of entry into the market. The City already allows the deferral of Transportation and School Impact Fee's in similar circumstanc The process for amortization of system development charges in th been reviewed by the Finance Department to ensure it is implemen Administrator to approve the amortization for small businesses w system development charges up front will be a barrier to success Additionally, the Public Works Department is proposing a change and grease that may be present in sewage effluent before it beco a lessening of the threshold and will have positive benefit to sewer Current Situation The Council may choose to adopt Ordinance 1026 amending the water and sewer chapters of the Yelm Municipal Code to allow for the amortization of system may choose to decline to adopt the Ordinance which would have th require the payment of system development charges prior to starting circumstances. CYON.1026 ITY OF ELM RDINANCE O AO of the City of Yelm amending Chapters 13.08 (Sewer N RDINANCE System) and 13.04 (Water System) to allow the amortization of sy development charges in certain circumstances. W, the City of Yelm updated the Yelm Comprehensive Plan on Februa HEREAS W, Policy 2.6 of the Economic Development Chapter of the updated P HEREAS delaying the collection of system development charges to encoura the revitalization of the City; and W, the City Council desires to allow the amortization of system d HEREAS under circumstances when they would create a barrier to economic N,T,YCCDOF: OW HEREFORE THE ELM ITY OUNCIL OES RDAIN AS OLLOWS Section 1. Section 13.08.080 YMC is hereby amended as follows: 13.08.080 Prohibited uses. A. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of t waters or wastes to any city sewers: 1. Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable solid or gas; 2. Any waters or wastes containing toxic or poisonous solids, l sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard animals, create a public nuisance, or create any hazard in the r the waters of the sewage treatment plant, including, but not lim in excess of two mg/l as CN in the wastes as discharged to the c 3. Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or in excess other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to equipment and personnel of the sewage works; 4. Solid or viscous substances in quantities or of such size ca obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with th operation of the sewage works such as, but not limited to, ashes mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastic underground garbage, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and fleshing paper dishes, cups or milk containers, either whole or ground by grinders. B. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged the foll substances, materials, waters or wastes if it appears likely, in director, that such wastes can harm either the sewers, sewage tr (lagoons) or equipment, have an adverse effect on the receiving otherwise endanger life, limb, public property or constitute a n opinion as to the acceptability of these wastes, the director wi such factors as the quantities of such wastes in relation to flo sewers, materials of construction of the sewers, nature of sewag degree of treatability of wastes in the lagoons, and other perti substances prohibited are: 1. Any liquor or vapor having a temperature higher than 150 deg degrees centigrade); 2. Any water or waste containing fats, wax, grease or oils, whe not, in excess of 300 mg/l or containing substances which may so viscous at temperatures between 32 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit (z degrees centigrade); 3. Any garbage that has not been properly shredded to meet such may from time to time be established by the director. The instal operation of any garbage grinder equipped with a motor of three- horsepower (0.76 hp metric) or greater shall be subject to the r approval of the director; 4. Any waters or wastes containing strong acid iron pickling wa plating solutions whether neutralized or not; 5. Any waters or wastes containing heavy metals including, but chromium, copper, zinc and similar objectionable or toxic substa exerting excessive chlorine requirements to such degree that any received in the composite sewage at the water reclamation facili limits established by the city for such materials; 6. Any waters or wastes containing phenols or other taste or od substances, in such concentrations exceeding limits which may be the director as necessary after treatment of the composite sewag requirements of state, federal, or other public agencies or juri discharge to the receiving waters; 7. Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or conc exceed limits which may be established by the director in compli applicable state or federal regulations; 8. Materials which exert or cause: Page 2 a. Concentrations earth, lime slurries and lime residues) or of dissolved solids ( limited to, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate), b. Excessive discoloration (such as, but not limited to, dye wa tanning solutions), c. Excessive BOD, chemical oxygen demand or chlorine requiremen quantities as to constitute a significant load on the sewage tre d. Unusual volume of flow or defined herein; 9. Waters or wastes containing substances which are not amenabl reduction by sewage treatment processes employed; or 10. s NPDES permit. Section 2. Section 13.08.107 YMC is hereby amended as follows: 13.08.107 System development charge and inspection fee waiver an A. The system development charge and inspection fee imposed by be deferred for low income families where: 1. The total maximum household income of the residents of the d not exceed 50 percent of the most recent Thurston County median annual income, as determined by the United States Housing and Ur Development Department. 2. The dwelling type is a detached, single-family residential u 3. The dwelling is occupied by the owner of the property. 4. The property owner submits a restrictive covenant in a form attorney to be recorded with the Thurston County auditor guarant fulfillment of the criteria set forth in this section. 5. The property owner submits a restrictive covenant in a form attorney to be recorded with the Thurston County auditor requiri system development charge and meter charge be repaid to the city the property is sold within 10 years of the date of the deferral not sold within the 10-year deferral period, the deferral shall r. B. To qualify for the waiver and deferral of system development fee set forth in this chapter, every eligible subscriber (or if spouse) shall file with the city clerk his or her statement, und may be prescribed by the city clerk, that he, she or they meet t requirements set forth in this section and that such applicant o Page 3 to forthwith notify the city of any circumstances or change in c make the applicant or applicants ineligible to receive the reduc C. Amortization of system development charge may be authorized by Administrator if a business with high water usage of more than t residential units can show that the connection charges are a barrier development. Upon authorization of amortization of system develo the business owner and property owner must enter into a repaymen with the city. The agreement must: 1. Have a term of no more than twenty four (24) months with equa payments. 2. Require the property owner to grant and record a lien against t favor of the city in the full amount of the amortized system dev 3. Include interest at a rate established by the Finance Director. 4. Include an administrative fee to cover the cost of administrati as established by the Finance Director. Section 3. Section 13.04.315 YMC is hereby amended as follows: 13.04.315 System development charge and meter charge waiver and Established. A. The system development charge and meter charge imposed by YMC 1 be deferred for low income families where: 1. The total maximum household income of the residents of the dwel shall not exceed 50 percent of the most recent Thurston County m household annual income, as determined by the United States Hous Urban Development Department. 2. The dwelling type is a detached, single-family residential unit 3. The dwelling is occupied by the owner of the property. 4. The property owner submits a deed restriction in a form approve attorney to be recorded with the Thurston County auditor guarant fulfillment of the criteria set forth in this section. 5. The property owner submits a deed restriction in a form approve attorney to be recorded with the Thurston County auditor requiri deferred system development charge and meter charge be repaid to in the event the property is sold within 10 years of the date of the property is not sold within the 10-year deferral period, the convert to a waiver. Page 4 B. Amortization of system development charge may be authorized b Administrator if a business with high water usage of more than t residential units can show that the connection charges are a bar development. Upon authorization of amortization of system devel the business owner and property owner must enter into a repaymen with the city. The agreement must: 1. Have a term of no more than twenty four (24) months with equal payments. 2. Require the property owner to grant and record a lien against t favor of the city in the full amount of the amortized system dev charges. 3. Include interest at a rate established by the Finance Director. 4. Include an administrative fee to cover the cost of administrati contract, as established by the Finance Director. Section 4. If any provision of this Ordinance or its application invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or the application to ot circumstances is not affected. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect afte as provided by law. rd P by the City Council of Yelm this 23 day of January 2018. ASSED JW Foster, Mayor Authenticated: Lori Mossman, City Clerk P: February 2, 2018 Nisqually Valley News UBLISHED ED: February 7, 2018 FFECTIVE ATE Page 5 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director Grant Beck, Planning & Economic Development Director Date: January 12, 2018 (for January 23rd City Council Meeting) Subj: New Chapter of the Yelm Municipal Code - FOG w;-š’’;“7·zš“ Adopt Ordinance 1041 creating a new chapter of the Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 13.0 relating to Fats, Oil, and Grease (FOG) Control Plans. .-‰m©šÒ“7 The Public Works Department has prepared a General Sewer Plan an These documents relate to the expansion, operation, and maintena Reclamation Facility. The plans note that the introduction of F impact the system. Some of these impacts include: Increased frequency of pumping STEP tanks is required. Significantly increased cost of disposing of septage from STEP t Decreased performance of the collection system. Decreased performance of the biological treatment process at the Ultimately, these impacts increase the cost of providing sewer s spread among all sewer customers, including residential customer who do not produce FOG. To avoid these additional costs, it is appropriate to require th FOG to develop plans designed to limit the introduction FOG into improvements, and document compliance. The existing sewer code does include a threshold for the introdu but it does not detail how to control FOG and maintain FOG remov important part of keeping FOG from negatively impacting the syst Page 1 of 2 /Ò©©;“· {z·Ò·zš“ The Council may choose to adopt Ordinance 1041 creating a FOG control chapter of the Municipal Code or it may choose to decline to adopt the Ordinanc effect of continuing the practice of all sewer customers subsidi to negatively impact the system. Page 2 of 2 CYON.1041 ITY OF ELM RDINANCE O AO of the City of Yelm creating a new Chapter of the Yelm N RDINANCE Municipal Code relating to Fats, Oil, and Grease (FOG) Control P W, the City of Yelm adopted a General Sewer Plan; and HEREAS W, the Plan includes policy language recommending better control o HEREAS grease into the wastewater system; and W, the introduction of fats, oil, and grease into the system incr HEREAS operation to all customers; and W, the City Council desires to implement the policies of the sewe HEREAS N,T,YCCDOF: OW HEREFORE THE ELM ITY OUNCIL OES RDAIN AS OLLOWS Section 1. A new Chapter of the Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 13. Control Plans, is created as follows: 13.10.010 Definitions. Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the definit 13.08 YMC shall apply to this chapter. 13.10.020 FOG pretreatment and FOG plan required. A. Businesses that serve or prepare food where FOG may be part such as restaurants, cafes, lunch counters, cafeterias, bars, cl health care facilities, drive through coffee stands, factories, have approved pretreatment systems, such as grease traps or grea place to prevent the discharge of FOG to the sewer system. B. All businesses that have a pretreatment system shall prepare The plan must be approved by the city and implemented by the bus will not issue or renew a business license without an approved p the city. 13.10.030 FOG control plan requirements. FOG control plans shall include, but not limited to, the followi A. A description of the facility type and a summary of products provided. B. A description of any food processing that occurs on site, in the type of food service, types of cooking, a description of the kitchen fixtures with potential to contribute FOG to the sanitar C. Schematics of process areas illustrating drains and discharg sewer. D. A description of current reduction, recycling, treatment act management practices. E. Specific performance goals and implementation schedule, includin frequency and cleaning and waste disposal procedures if the busi grease trap. F. Identification of any garbage or refuse products that may requi Shredding of products shall meet such specifications as may from established by the Public Works Director. The installation and garbage grinder equipped with a motor of 0.75 horsepower (0.76 hr shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director. 13.10.040 Installation requirements. A. All FOG pretreatment systems shall be installed, maintained, business owner at his or her own expense. The pretreatment syste adequately sized and located in a manner that provides ready and for cleaning and inspection at all times. B. Grease interceptors must meet the specifications of the curr Code and International Building Code adopted by the city at the No food waste disposal may discharged into any grease trap or in shall discharge into an interceptor. C. If discharge volumes increase, the need for a larger grease grease traps maintained within city standards, a pretreatment system upgrade the businesses expense. 13.10.050 Effluent testing. The city may perform periodic testing of effluent by businesses reasonable belief that the business is not meeting the FOG disch any of the following reasons: A. Downstream testing; B. Evidence of FOG buildup downstream; C. Discharger records that are incomplete, false, or not made a D. Evidence of tampering with pretreatment equipment; E. keep grease in suspension past the grease trap or interceptor; Page 2 F. Other reasons established by facts which warrant a belief th standards are violated. 13.10.060 Recordkeeping. Records and certification of maintenance, including copies of gr invoices, shall be made readily available to the city for review maintained by the business for a minimum of two years, or longer city. Copies of all maintenance and cleaning reports shall be se made available to the city upon request. 13.10.070 Grease traps and grease interceptors Cleaning and maintenance. A. The addition of emulsifying agents for the purposes of emuls FOG is not allowed. B. Grease Interceptor Cleaning. 1. Cleaning shall be done only by a service contractor qualified t cleaning. All material removed shall be disposed of in accordan city, county, state, and federal regulations. 2. The FOG control plan must include a requirement that the int pumped and cleaned quarterly. 3. Grease interceptor maintenance shall include removal of all water from the grease interceptor. Skimming the surface layer of material, partial cleaning of the interceptor or use of any meth not remove entire contents of the collection device does not con maintenance. After a complete evacuation, the walls, top and bo interceptor shall then be thoroughly scraped and the residue rem grease interceptor shall be filled with clean water before being service. C. Grease Trap Cleaning. 1. The FOG control plan must include a requirement that the tra at the intervals set forth as recommended by the manufacturer, b than 90 days. Grease trap maintenance shall include removal of of the grease trap. The grease trap shall be filled with clean returning to service. 2. A business may be allowed by the Public Works Director under plan to -clear its own grease trap(s) located inside a building a. The grease trap is no more than 55 gallons in liquid/operati Page 3 b. Whenever the grease trap is inspected or cleaned, seams and checked for leaks, and the baffles and flow-regulating devices c effective operation. c. All FOG and food waste is removed from the grease trap and i d. Oil and grease are skimmed from the surface of the water and appropriate container to limit spillage. e. Solids are removed from the bottom of the grease trap and pl appropriate container. f. The grease trap is filled with clean water before returning g. The business records the date of cleaning and the amount of removed from the grease trap in a maintenance log, and reports t information to the city under the terms of the FOG plan. h. All grease trap waste shall be removed from the premises and recycled in an appropriate and legal manner. Examples of dispos but are not limited to, contracting with a licensed cleaning com up the collected waste or absorbing all free liquid with a dry a dispose as solid waste in a watertight container D. It is a violation of this chapter to discharge any waste, in material, removed from the grease trap to any drainage piping co sanitary sewer or the storm drainage system. 13.10.080 Oil/water separators required. Businesses that operate automobile and truck repair facilities, motorized equipment, car sales lots, filling stations or any oth petroleum-based grease and oil may be introduced to the sewer sy pretreatment facilities to prevent the discharge of oil and grea facilities must be oil/water separators or interceptors located grease, oil and water. Pretreatment facilities shall be in accor Washington State Department of Ecology standards. Businesses shall clean oil/water separators on a schedule that provides for effec Oil/water separators shall be inspected monthly or more frequent owner. API oil/water separators shall be cleaned before the oil in depth. Coalescing plate separators shall be cleaned before th and/or solids. Cleaning shall include removal of all oil, water, the separator with clean water. Cleaning shall be performed by a contractor. All material removed shall be disposed of in accorda and/or local laws. Page 4 13.10.090 Access for inspections. The provisions of Section 13.08.060 YMC apply to inspections con chapter. Section 3. If any provision of this Ordinance or its application invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or the application to ot circumstances is not affected. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect afte as provided by law. rd P by the City Council of Yelm this 23 day of January 2018. ASSED JW Foster, Mayor Authenticated: Lori Mossman, City Clerk P: February 2, 2018 Nisqually Valley News UBLISHED ED: February 7, 2018 FFECTIVE ATE Page 5 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Joseph Wolfe, Finance Director Yelm City Council Finance Committee Date: January 16, 2018 (for January 23rd City Council Meeting) Subj: Authority as Agency Representatives to Access Financial In w;-š’’;“7·zš“ Authorize Joseph Wolfe, Finance Director, and Lori Mossman, City representatives with the authority to access bank, loan, account necessary to manage the Killion Road Local Improvement District depository accounts. .-‰m©šÒ“7 The City of Yelm has made organizational and staffing changes si last updated in September 2015. These changes require that two n authorized as signers to all City accounts. This resolution auth City Clerk to access bank, loan, account and other financial inf the Killion Road Local Improvement District Loan and associated Thurston First/Commencement Bank Accounts. /Ò©©;“· {z·Ò·zš“ In order to access bank account information with Commencement Ba needs to be granted to the current Finance Director and City Cle Page 1 of 1 (for CityOfYelm YelmAveOLYMPIA Yelm,St AccountNo: theoftheGovernment,("Entity")above,that organized, andauthorizedbusinessunder ACCOUNTCityOfYelm andname I aandcalledandheldon Financialnamedaboveanyonemorebeandherebydesignatedasa beonadvicesorders moniesbearingnumbernamedemployees are Mossman,CityofCity ofYelm Wolfe,ofCityofYelm andFinancialshallbeandauthorizedandpaysamearepayablebearer orderanysame. Financialherebyandpayanyany Financialbearingasauthorizedaboveeven endorsedoanytenderedcashing personalandFinancialshallberequiredbeunderanyas issueuseanysignedaccordance proceeds anyoneauthorizedendorseallandpayable FinancialFinancialandand payableFinancial abovenamedagentsareauthorizedand specialagreementsandarrangementsregardingpurposes beandasdeemreasonablynecessary Theagreementsandbe herebyuponabovenamedshallbeandremainand anyamendmentshallhavebeendeliveredandreceivedFinancialeachan Financialshallbeandheldharmlessanylossany accordanceshallanyprocess I personsnamedabovenamesand Resolutionsonareandandhavebeenany manner INTESTIMONYIsetmyattestthattheset the TOANDATTESTED Co-*Official Incasetheisdesignatedtheforegoingresolutionsonethesigningagents,shouldalsobesignedsecondthe DEPOSITPRO,USARightsReserved.TR-8151 YELM CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL & REGULAR MEETINGS TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2018 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, and Terry Kaminski. Joe DePinto arrived at 5:30 pm and EJ Curry will be present by phone for the Executive Session only. Molly Carmody left the meeting at 6:30 pm. 3. Agenda Approval 18-007 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - Presentation from Attorney Jeff Myers on the Public Records Act (PRA) and the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA). At 5:30, Mayor Foster announced that Council would go into a 30 minute Executive Session to discuss with legal counsel presenting the agency litigation or potential litigation. Harlan Stientjes from Association of Washington Cities Risk Management Service Agency and Attorney Jeff Myers will attend. RCW 42.30.110(1) (i). At 5:59 pm, City Clerk Lori Mossman announced that the Executive Session would be another 10 minutes. At 6:10 pm, Mayor Foster called the meeting to order and the Regular Council meeting continued. Special Presentations - Jan Wall from Association of Washington Cities recognized Representative Andrew Barkis as the 2017 AWC City Champion award winner. 5. Public Comment - Sandra Manwiller spoke in support of the upcoming Yelm School Bond. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes - Regular meeting January 9, 2018. b. Payables - Checks #70141 - #70252 Totaling $2,541,595.83. 18-008 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - none scheduled 8. New Business - a. Resolution No. 583, Support for Yelm Community Schools Bond to Rebuild and Renovate Schools and Improve Public Safety, Proposition 1, Resolution 03-17-18. 18-009 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO SUPPORT THE YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS BOND TO REBUILD AND RENOVATE SCHOOLS AND IMPROVE PUBLIC 1-23-18 SAFETY, PROPOSITION 1, RESOLUTION 03-17-18. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. MOTION CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 1024, Senior Citizen and Permanently Disabled Utility Rate Reductions 18-010 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1024 REPEALING SECTIONS 13.04.300 AND 13.04.310 AND CREATING A NEW CHAPTER OF THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 13.14, RELATING TO SENIOR AND DISABLED UTILITY RATES. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. MOTION CARRIED. C. Ordinance No. 1026, Amortization of System Development Charges 18-011 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1026 AMENDING CHAPTERS 13.08 (SEWER SYSTEM) AND 13.04 (WATER SYSTEM) TO ALLOW THE AMORTIZATION OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. SECONDED BY JOE DEPINTO. MOTION CARRIED. d. Ordinance No. 1041, Fats, Oil, and Grease Control Plans 18-012 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1041 CREATING A NEW CHAPTER OF THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 13.03, RELATING TO FATS, OIL, AND GREASE (FOG) CONTROL PLANS. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. MOTION CARRIED. e. Killion Road LID Banking Signature Authorization Resolution 18-013 MOTION BY TERRY KAMINSKI AUTHORIZING FINANCE DIRECTOR JOE WOLFE AND CITY CLERK LORI MOSSMAN AS AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES WITH THE AUTHORITY TO ACCESS BANK, LOAN, ACCOUNT AND OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION NECESSARY TO MANAGE THE KILLION ROAD LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOAN AND ASSOCIATED DEPOSITORY ACCOUNTS. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business - none scheduled 10. Department Updates by City Administrator Michael Grayum- • Civil Service will hold Oral Board interviews tomorrow to fill the two Officer positions approved in the 2018 Budget. • The Hazardous Mitigation Plan/Splash Park/Playground Equipment open house was well attended. • Legislative Update - path forward on the Foster fix and funding for playground equipment. • Killion Road LID will be refinanced at a significant cost savings to the city. • The City will be switching all of their accounts from Key Bank to Timberland Bank which will result in a monthly savings of about $1500 and money will be put into high yield accounts and earning money. • With the hiring of a Building Official and two additional Police Officers in 2018, the City will have staff to enforce the Municipal Code. • Employment Opportunities include Public Works Project & Program Manager and Public Defender. 1-23-18 • Thurston County Executive Seminar on Disaster Recovery on January 29, 2018. 11. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Colt attended the Thurston County Emergency Medic One meeting. Councilmember Stillwell stated that City Administrator Michael Grayum attended the Thurston County EDC Board meeting in his absence. Councilmember Wood attended the Thurston Regional Planning Transportation Council meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Group (STEDI). Mayor Foster attended the Thurston County Chamber "State of the Community" meeting, Deputy Daniel McCartney's Memorial service, Lackamas Elementary kickoff to "Great Kindness Week", memorial for Roger McMaster, and reported that the City of Yelm received notification from the Fire Protection Bureau of a lower fire rating which will result in lower insurance premiums. Mayor Foster handed out the new committee assignments. 12. Executive Session - none scheduled. 13. Correspondence included 18-014 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. MOTION CARRIED. 14. Adjourned 7:29 pm. &, -Cid- Attest: eyfxL w�J JW Foster, Mayor Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.ci.yelm.wa.us. 1-23-18