06-22-2005 SS MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 2005, 4:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call – Don Miller, Joe Baker, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Bob Isom was excused. Others: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Commissioner Steve Pottle, Port of Olympia, Michael Cade, Thurston County Economic Development Council, John Wolfe, Port of Olympia Executive Director and Rudy Rudolph, Port of Olympia Airport Director (and Interim Executive Director effective June 24, 2005). 3. The agenda was accepted as presented. 4. New Business a. Yelm Industrial Area Update - Shelly Badger introduced guests and provided 75 Min. background information about the role each agency plays in information gathering, evaluating and promoting Yelm’s 190 acre Industrial Area. Staff reviewed the City’s adopted goals relating to development opportunities in the industrial area intended to strengthen the City’s employment base and marketability when the Yelm-Roy Prairie Line is fully established. Information was provided about work accomplished to date such as TRPC’s rail planning activities, formation of the Yelm ECD, and partnership with Thurston Co. EDC to lead a Retail Trade Area study. Port Commissioner Steve Pottle addressed the Port of Olympia’s view of critical success factors related to Yelm’s Industrial Area marketing and how the Port and Thurston Co. EDC partnering can help Yelm accomplish these vital tasks. Michael Cade, Thurston Co. EDC recommended steps to be taken, such as determination of appropriate zoning, infrastructure analysis, and rail condition re- assessment, and provided a time line for completion of tasks. Council agreed that the work plan presented supports the City’s adopted goals. 5. Presentations a. Department: Community Development 45 Min. Topic: Critical Areas Ordinance -Grant Beck provided background on GMA requirements for updating the Critical Areas Code and the proposal now under consideration by the Planning Commission. 6. Mayor/Council Initiatives - Councilmember Harding asked about the City’s Municipal Code that is accessed via the website. He was concerned that it was not as user friendly as the previous version. Staff will look into the situation and report back at a future study session. Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 2 ab/City Council/2005/06-22-05 SS Minutes 7. Old Business – None scheduled 8. Adjourn: 6:45 _____________________________ Adam Rivas, Mayor Attest: ____________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 2 ab/City Council/2005/06-22-05 SS Minutes