10 14 2003 Budget Work Session Agenda CITY OF YELM 2004 BUDGET WORK SESSIONS AGENDA 110/14/03 UPDATE! WEEK #2 - Tuesdav. October 14. 2003. 4:00 - 7:00 1. Current/General Fund Deparbnents Note: If attachment sheets have not been provided the budgeted amounts are shown on the agenda for 200212003/2004. 001 514 - Administrative & Financial Services 001 515 - LegaVProfessional Services 001 522 - Fire Suppression- Contract, Pop. Based $200,4601$227.780/$250,712 001 523 - Prisoner Support $34.000/$34,000/$34,000 001 Community Development 001 524 - Building 2003 Exp. Bui/ding Plan Fees, + $10,000, Ord 784 001 532 - Engineering 001 558 - Planning 2003 Exp. Equip/Software, + $30,000, Ord 784 001 531 - Pollution Control- Contract, Pop. Based $1,234/$1,283/$1,400 001 539 - Animal Control 001 551 - WetfareNCS and YSC ($75 per/m), Council Determines $2,000/$2,000/$2,000 001 552 - OMWBE Operating Costs $75/$250/$250/$1,000 budget/2004/agenda lineup Rev: 10/28/03 CITY OF YELM 2004 BUDGET WORK SESSIONS AGENDA Week 2. October 14, Continued 001 566 - MentallPhysical Health $8501$1 ,100/$1,100 . 001 572 - Library - Contract, Pop. Based, '05 Adjustment $28,010/$28,5421$31,370 001 573 - Historic Preservation 001 576 - Park Department 001 596 - Capital Reserve $399,361/644.0131$750,000 2003 Amount ($729,013) adjusted to reflect -$30,000 Planning Software and -$55,000 Streets Transfer increase 001 596 - Capital Reserve BldgslGroundslStructures $17,500/$15,0001$15,000 001 597 - Other Financing. Transfers Transfer to Streets reduced by $24,210 Total transfers at this point $384,572 001 521 - Police Department 109521 - DARE Additional funds for review? budget/2004/agenda lineup Rev: 10/28/03