04 10 2018 Agenda PacketYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1. Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 18-045 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO EXCUSE TAD STILLWELL AND MOLLY CARMODY FROM THE MEETING. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 4-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Agenda Approval 18-046 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 4-0, MOTION CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - Arbor Day Proclamation 5. Public Comment - Scott Bannister invited Council to upcoming Rally. Mark Jensen spoke about the State of the Nation. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes - Special and Regular meeting minutes from March 27, 2018. 18-047 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 4-0, MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - none scheduled 8. New Business - a. Resolution No. 585, Right -of -Way and Park Fees. 18-048 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION 585 WHEREBY ADOPTING THE REVISED DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE, AND APPROVE ADOPTION OF THE NEW PARK USER FEE ON DECEMBER 1, 2018. SECONDED BY JOE DEPINTO. 4-0, MOTION CARRIED. b. Amendment No. 1 to Interlocal Agreement with Thurston County District Court relating to Jury Trials and adding the Mental Health and Veterans' Court programs for the period January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2019. 18-049 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD AUTHORIZING MAYOR JW FOSTER TO SIGN THE AMENDED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THURSTON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT RELATING TO JURY TRIALS AND ADDING THE MENTAL HEALTH AND VETERANS' COURT PROGRAMS FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2017 - DECEMBER 31, 2019. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 4-0. MOTION CARRIED. C. Tahoma Terra Phase 2 Division 2 Final Subdivision 20070187 4-10-18 18-050 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING TAHOMA TERRA PHASE 2 DIVISION 2 FINAL SUBDIVISION AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR JW FOSTER TO SIGN THE FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 3 YES, I NO (DEPINTO), MOTION CARRIED. d. Resolution 587, Authorizing Segregation of Existing Assessments under the Killion Road Local Improvement District. 18-051 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 587 AUTHORIZING SEGREGATION OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENTS UNDER THE KILLION ROAD LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 3-1 NO (DEPINTO). MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business - none scheduled 10. Department Updates by City Administrator Michael Grayum- • Finance Department is starting to work on upcoming Budget. • Fencing installed at the Public Safety Building for security. • Memorial for the Fallen 5K planned for Memorial Day Weekend. • Public Works Director Chad Bedlington updated Council on projects. 11. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember DePinto attended the Hazardous Weather Task Force meeting for Councilmember Molly Carmody. Mayor Foster attended the Mayors meeting and updated everyone on the new communication system for Thurston County that will be coming soon and attended the Yelm Chamber Luncheon. 12. Executive Session - At 7:00 pm Council went into a 60 minute Executive Session to discuss the acquisition of real estate. City Attorney Brent Dille was present. Councilmember Cody Colt arrived for the Executive Session. Councilmember Joe DePinto left immediately following the Executive Session. At 7:45 pm Mayor Foster reconvened the regular meeting. RCW 42.30.110 (b). 13. Correspondence included 18-052 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 4- 0, MOTION CARRIED. 14. Adjourned 7:45 pm. JW F ster, Mayor Attest: f f t -N11 WIR-.11C Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.ci.yelm.wa.us. 4-10-18